alext223 0 Posted May 1, 2007 Hey guys. I hope someone can help me with my problem and answer a question or two for me. What I got the idea off was the training mission "squad commander" where you pop smoke, the heli lands, you all get in and get out of there. Simple enough for some, but not most. This is just a small mission so I can cut 'nd paste it to others. My problem is: the smoke detect and land works, but the heli just touches the marked LZ and jumps up again, thankfully it doesn't advance to the next WP cause the conditions in the sqs file aren't met.Player unit has a eventhandler to activate the script. Here is the sqs files to clear it up a bit: smokeland.sqs [_shell = nearestobject [_this select 0, _this select 4] ~4 heli setpos getpos _shell trans1 land "getin" [] exec "inheli.sqs" #loop ~2 ?intrans: goto "end" trans1 engineOn True goto "loop" #end exit] inheli.sqs is: [@ (RM5 in trans1) && (RM4 in trans1) && (RM3 in trans1) && (RM2 in trans1) && (RM1 in trans1) intrans=true] The heli advances from WP 0 on a alpha call with enough time for the smoke. The heli only jumps up when I don't order the sqd to get in trans1. Other than that, it works fine. Thats problem 1. 2. I want to be able to make this compatible for MP games, I have put in to the init of each unit "RMgrp1=thislist" (as not every unit will be there at the end of the mission, only by fluke (or skill) would every player reach this point) and tried to replace inheli with inheli_1.sqs:[@ (RMgrp1 in blackhawk) intrans=true] but this fails big time (Laugh you gurus! I am trying! ) If somebody knows what I can do to keep the heli landed without my sqd being ordered to get in (I have tried a getin WP on trans1, no joy.) and what to do to make this work without doing my head in in MP version (Been working on this mission in my spare time for 3-4 weeks and this extraction is the part that is doing my head in! Searched many a forum.) Your help would be most gratefully appreciated. Happy hunting all! alext223 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alext223 0 Posted May 1, 2007 Hey sorry guys, missed that "appreciated." in the topic title. If a Admin could del that word, would be most grateful. Cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Op4 BuhBye 0 Posted May 1, 2007 Quote[/b] ][_shell = nearestobject [_this select 0, _this select 4]~4 heli setpos getpos _shell trans1 land "getin" [] exec "inheli.sqs" #loop ~2 Why do you have "GetIn" instead of "Load". If I read this right you tell the heli to land and getin, but they are in, so they takeoff again. Am I missing something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alext223 0 Posted May 2, 2007 Hey, this is why I used "getin" : land And tried what you suggested, still the same thing, but thank you anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites