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End mission  when 3 choppers destroyed?

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I've searched this forum over and over again but strangely I did not found the answer I expected to find, though I'm pretty sure my question must have been asked before... :

I'm working on a mission which looks like Air Cavalry. I've also got 3 Littlebird's. What I want in the mission is when all three Littlebirds (MH6's) are destroyed, the mission ends (with "mission failed").

Now, I know this is done by triggers, but when I set a trigger you can only make the trigger count for one particular unit or group and not for three individual units, atleast I can't.

How do I make this trigger?

NB. I don't know much about scripting/editing)

Thanks alot.

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First you have to add names to the helicopters, f.i. "LB1", "LB2", "LB3"

In the trigger's condition line you can write:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">not alive LB1 and not alive LB2 and not alive LB3

You can set the trigger to End 1, End 2 or whatever you desire.

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hi all,

or 2 triggers

first trigger text > End of Mission 2

type: nothing

condition : (!alive LB1) && (!alive LB2) && (!alive LB3)

action :Player exec "outro2.sqf"

second trigger  text > Mission Over 2

type : set the trigger to End 1, End 2 or whatever you want.

condition: over2

exemple outro2.sqf

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">TitleCut ["","BLACK OUT", 0.5];

TitleText["Mission failed!\nall Choppers-Attack are History...\n\n your Mission Name","Plain Down"];



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Okey, going to try it right away. Thnx for your quick replies guys wink_o.gif

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