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setpos,setmarkerpos, _pos onmapsingleclick help

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ok this sounds simple but has me stumped..plz help.

what im trying to do is>>

move 2 markers and an object with a onmapsingleclick

marker1= T3_3

marker2= T3_4

object= medic_base1

if anyone can compile something quickly for me i would be a very happy camper.

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Script 1:

hint format ["Instructions\n\nClick on map\nwhere you want the marker to go."]


onMapSingleClick {[_pos,1, player] exec "support\onsingleclick1.sqs";onMapSingleClick{}}


Script 2:


_counter = 0

_pos  = _this select 0


_xpos = _pos select 0

_ypos = _pos select 1

_letters = ["Aa","Ab","Ac","Ad","Ae","Af"

















_numbers = ["99","98","97","96","95","94"

















?_xpos<0 or _xpos>12800:_xcoor="??";goto "Ycoor"

_xcoor = _letters select ((_xpos-64)/128)


?_ypos<0 or _ypos>12800:_ycoor="??";goto "ShowXYcoor"

_ycoor = _numbers select ((_ypos-64)/128)


      "T3_3" setMarkerPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1]

      "T3_4" setMarkerPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1]

"medic_base1" setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1]

      hint format ["RADIO MESSAGE\nMarker is at %1%2", _xcoor, _ycoor]


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