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Can I get AI to laze targets?

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If bob is holding the laser designator to his eyes, this will turn it on.

fred action ["useWeapon",bob,bob,0]

fred = any unit, anywhere. Game logics work.

bob = a soldier with laser designator.

0 = weapon index. With more than one weapon, the laser designator will not be 0.

It will stay on even if he returns it to his belt (designating the ground next to his feet!). Getting him to keep the designator to his eyes is the next problem...

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Quote[/b] ]Has this method been confirmed working UNN?

It works when the player is the pilot, it would probably work when the AI is the pilot to...Only, there are some related issues when it comes to AI.

AFAIK The AI will not fire unless they think they can hit the target, as indicated by the diamond shaped icon you see in the HUD. The only problem is, the AI and Player will not get that diamond shaped icon with a laser designators target, unless your flying around 100m off the ground and are almost on top of the target. So as you can probably imagine, by the time the AI thinks about dropping a bomb, it's already past the target.

I'm experimenting with some things, like allowing the player to hit laser targets from altitudes of 4000m+. I was hoping I could find a similar solution for the AI, but I'm rapidly running out of options.

If you force the AI to fire it will ignore any target lock, all you can do is ask it to fire and hope it does.

Quote[/b] ]This is all info I could find about "Target". Where did you come up with this "LaserTargetW" thingy?

It's part of the weapons class, see the weapons.pbo in arma. It falls under class LaserTarget. It's been around since OFP, the object is used with the laser designator in game.

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Hi. This is a bit off this topic but how about lasing for another players team? Does it show for the player who's flying if I'm lasing in different team?

I cannot add the pilots into same team due to an evac objective.

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Hi Ya.. smile_o.gif...

This was my first script so when I saw your request and all these funky answers, I thought I would try to help by posting how I got mine to work.

I just dove right in and messed around a bit with the Editor.  I got this to a treat with only a simple trigger and some init code in the SF Recon unit.  Here are the steps I used to get this to work.

1) Add a trigger with these settings anywhere on the map where you want to practice your bombing runs.

 a. Set size large enough to cover your op area.  

 b. Set Activation to OPFOR - Repeatedly

 c. Set Detected By BLUFOR

 d. Set Condition to this

 e. Set init code to:

  <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BillyBob action ["target",vehicle tank]

2) Now, inside your trigger area, add a group of OPFOR T-72 tanks.

3) This is the tricky bit (but not really..:)...

  a. Add a new BLUFOR SF Recon Unit also within the same trigger area.  Make sure he has line of sight to the tanks but no not close that they can spot him and blow him away before you can get there...:).  I concealed my unit with a bush.  I also made him a Corporal with above average Skill...but I'm not sure if that matters or not for this action.

  b. Name him BillyBob so the above trigger recognizes him.

  c. In BillyBob's init code put:

       <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BillyBob addWeapon "Laserdesignator"


      I'm not sure that bit is needed either as maybe the Recon unit is already equipped with the designator...??

4) Done...

Now fly in with the Harrier loaded with GBUs and watch the carnage.  The Recon unit will continue to target all tanks in the trigger area until they are all gone or his the laze runs out of batteries.

Make sure you add a repair, refuel, and ammo truck at your airbase so you can practice landing, re-arming, and re-fuleing at the same time. As for as height, distance, speed, etc of the harrier...it really doesn't matter.  The Lazer and the Harrier will auto sync based on your closing speed and AoA and automatically show you the diamond when you should "pickle"...Have Fun...:)



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