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Cheaters we have using the ammo cheat

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Hey guys it's just not laws it's everything. m21 m2a2's fireing 50 tows everything that can be fired as a weapon.

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i started a thread in this forum, now it is deleted.

it was about the ability of detecting cheaters with the sctipting-language.

i've made some tests on a ded-server with one friend using the weapon-cheat. my scripts where able to detect the activated cheat like this:

1. i saved the actual count of shells for the weapon.

2. i waited until a bullet of the weapon was around the player.

3. i checked the shell-count again.

if the shell-count was not lowered, the cheat was active.

now the problem: this scripts must run on each player-computer. but if a bullet is detected, it is not possible to name the source (i.e. the player). also lag makes the detection nearly impossible.

in my thread i asked b.i. if they could add some commands like:

activeweapon (which is the actual used weapon)

hasfired (can be used to wait until a player has fired)

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3 things that did hurt me in your forums:

First the guy that asked to bann directly the newbie (i play online since 14 years i guess i can bann like u merely 80% of the OPF/CS community... so "toc"), really u want do that? play alone then for the next time smile.gif

//edited part: a copy past of the post:


Group: Moderators

"I am about to start banning noobs

Lets face it.they act like tards and repeatedly do stupid crap.

They are kicked and come back and do the same dumb stuff

" *no comment* ///end edited part

Second the langage used, are u all children? i see insult/insanity and other thing that get me to change for a children game (CS)to a mature type game (OPF).... where are your forums moderator?

I see the reasons that u can bann a guy, i aggree on some and disaggree on other. Well TK: if i see a guy in my team doing baserape u can be sure my vision might have problems in the next 5 second *to a point i cant differenciate friend or foe*. smile.gif

Same if my team is doing basecamp u can be sure that i "accidentally" drop some satchel near the ammo box smile.gif

Third, the OWM bann, i ve play with OWN before that fraghaus OPF did be created, i know near all of them (not the newest member).And as neutral people i can say i never have see them cheating, u may have done an error i guess *ask all the regular ppl that play in OPitalia server's u ll have the same answer*.

note: i dunno if i m famed in OPF community (and i personnally dont care). But u can be sure of one thing when u play with me: i try to be fair as possible, and enjoy a maximum "To vanquish without risk u got a triumph without glory" J.Ceasar medidate on this.

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That was bordering on incoherence.

Anyway, I just thought I'd say I saw a guy firing rockets from a LAW launcher this afternoon, and he survived a barrage of 57mm rockets. I might waver on my conviction on account of lag if he hadn't been constantly firing at me for about a minute. He showed no modified config message.

I was doubtful of the existence of these cheats, but now I'm a believer.

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We never posted cheaters at this forum just are forum biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Plus this post is soooo old man you must of been reading like 30 pages of stuff to find this

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