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Request: Better water simulation

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Even though these suggestions should be better included in the main ArmA engine, I think they can be hacked in with some scripting. As I am no programmer myself, I can merely suggest them. Maybe this topic is better suited to the AddOns request thread and if that is the case I don't oppose its change of place.

1) Explosions. They are at present none existant in regards to their physicallity in water. Flying craft do not create any reaction when they hit the water and ships get hit and burn not unlike land vehicles even when an explosion should send lots of water upwards. I don't think it would be difficult to simulate the effect with the particle engine.

2) Shells. Even though small caliber ammunition gives a satisfying effect, larger shells, such from an armored vehicle or A/G missiles enter the water silently.

3) Sound. Speaking of silently, there should be some good sound effects following the above.

4) Underwater colors. While swimming (or being inside a shot down aircraft) most of the time, there is no color to represent the water and the ground appears clear is in the land. Sometimes there is, but the effect so far is unstable.

5) Sway. Ships have a good feeling to their sway, but they only do so bow-aft and not port-starboard when rocked by the waves and the effect is too gentle. They should rise more when in high speed. The effect should also be considerable in foul weather. Targetting a weapon on a moving platform should be more difficult.


6) Wakes. The particle effect should be "meatier" , especially in bad weather. I do not think that it could be affected by the ship entering and leaving a wave though. Also, the propeller doesn't create any effect. The wake should also create more of a foam in the water which follows the ship and makes a long tail to mark its passage. Shouldn't a swimming soldier also splash some water?


7) Water sound effects. Strong "plaf" sounds when inside a speedboat which runs at high speed and hits the waves.

8) Particle effect of water drops when wearing goggles, using binoculars and such and inside a speeding boat.

9) Not unlike number 1), proper particle effects should be made for when some unit reaches the water by drop and depended on its size and shape. An inflatable craft should create a different effect than a man with a parachute.

10) Tracer bounce. Should tracers ricochet on the water like the do in land?

11) Rotors. Helicopters should also create the circular waves when flying close to water along with the spray.

Considering how much care there is regarding land explosions and effects, I consider these suggestions visually important if action is to take place near any water bodies.

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new water effects needs time and BIS haven´t time for this, but I would like new effects especially for swimmers and walk in water

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