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Couple of Questions

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1. Can some one Point me to a Ejection Script for ArmA

2. How do you make Shilkas fire at something in the air(jet,Invisible target).

3. How do I make a AV88 attack something on the ground?

4. How do I attach a parachute to a unit.

5. How do I make explosions happen someware. Let say when you enter a trigger the the object will explode. Also I would like to the know the ordnance ArmA has.

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1. _unit action["eject",_vehicle]

2. _shilka dofire (( position _shilka) nearobjects["AV8B",1500] select 0)

3. you need a laser designator.

5. things like IED?haha

trigger, blue present

on Act :

"Sh_122_HE" createVehicle position (thislist select 0)

Sh_122_HE is ammo for east artillery D30

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- create a para (under the empty side in editor if i remember right) - name it

- create man and put "this moveindriver para", where para is the name of the chute

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