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Problem with misson AI

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A lot of the time on the editor I make a mission where lots of groups get in helicopters, land near town, clear town, get back in heli and fly back home. But when groups go back to their helicopter they get in, start the engine and get it up to an altitude of about 50 and then just stay there instead of turning back. A small number of helis do go back to base but the majority stay up in the air not moving. Is this a bug or have I made a mistake in the editor.

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Did you give the helo crews a 'get out' waypoint back at the base? It needs to be activated by a trigger though or they will fly off as soon as your squads eject. And are there enough helipads back at the base for all the helo's to land on?

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Do each of the helos do what they're supposed to if the others are deleted? Helos are a funny thing. If there are too many in a given area they won't perform properly. Test them individually. You may have to space them out a bit.

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Reason why i hate doing missions with transport helos... playtesting missions for hour and notice that when helo should pick you up and deliver to safety: It either doesn't come at all or it just stays hovering in the air or takes in cargo but never rises in the air or rises in the air but hover there... Or crashes in the ground crazy_o.gif

Ofcouse thats mostly because i never truly learned how their waypoints should be done to sync with others... My advice is that when you do mission: test helos flightplans before doing anything else... Saves from lots of trouble (like wasted couple of hours because helo isn't working in the way you want it)

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