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game cannot start

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for the first time in my life i wanted to see how is in MP

i started game with one man (thanx and hello)

but when i wanted to use ammocrate game (1.05+) crashed

after game crashed i cannot lauch it anymore ?

i will try after restart of PC

maybe another BUG ? :/

edit: yes after restart of PC i could launch arma again


btw. is there any servers where people play ww2 stuff smile_o.gif


f*** f*** f*** multiplayer hangs my PC, i had to use restart button :/

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Hi Vilas

Firewall or router at a guess. Check your letting ArmA through on the correct ports.

Kind Regards walker

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it started but after restart - in firewalls al was okay, because i was playing with 'Gamer' for 30 minutes, when i tried to use weapons crate - game crushed

now few times PC need restart when i enter someone server and i try to exit to move to another server or sometimes when i choose "multiplayer" :/

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