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Names disappear from map screen??

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Just wondered if this is a bug, or if its somthing to do with installing the new directx. When i am playing the hold maps, at some point in time the names of all my team mates disappear of the map screen.

I can play the game for somtime before this happens, or somtimes a short time, but when it does happen the names don't appear again. This leaves me not knowing where my team mates are.

Has anyone else had this problem?

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Well for those who are installing the new directx don't say i didnt warn you. I just tried it again and same thing happened. I have since ghosted, using Norton ghost, my hard drive back to a time before this install of the new directx and all is ok now. Its just as soon as i install the new directx that this happens.

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Well for those who are installing the new directx don't say i didnt warn you. I just tried it again and same thing happened. I have since ghosted, using Norton ghost, my hard drive back to a time before this install of the new directx and all is ok now. Its just as soon as i install the new directx that this happens.

Thanks for the warning!

Shall hold off on the new dx for now ;}

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Has anyone else noticed this with the new directx.

Its important to note because if it is the new direct x causing it people might not be aware its a problem.

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Quote[/b] ]I can play the game for somtime before this happens, or somtimes a short time, but when it does happen the names don't appear again. This leaves me not knowing where my team mates are.

If you flip to the map and back you should see the names appear again.

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Quote[/b] ]I can play the game for somtime before this happens, or somtimes a short time, but when it does happen the names don't appear again. This leaves me not knowing where my team mates are.

If you flip to the map and back you should see the names appear again.

I tried doing that and it didnt work. I also restarted the game a number of times and got what i described in my first post. What i need to know is if anyone else is experiencing the same problem with new directx. Have you installed it Hoz and are you having any problems.

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