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deactivating and objective trigger.

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I have a trigger set to activate an end game countdown on the completeion of 3 objectives. I have A mirror set of objectives & triggers set for Opfor if they complete the same 3 objectives.

once one teams times starts, It wont stop if the opfor side retakes one of the objectives. What do I need to put in my triggers so the opposing times stop ?

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To clarify what your intensions are please confirm.

Quote[/b] ]

This is for a multiplayer mission Team OPFOR vs Team BLUFOR.

When a team owns all 3 bases start the countdown. The team in control must hold all 3 bases for a period of time without losing ownership. When the countdown is over and the same team is still in control they win.

If at any point the other team takes one or more of the bases, that should reset the countdown.

I am trying to see if this is what you are looking for.  There must be some form of terminate command or method to TERMINATE/RESET a trigger.  

What you are looking for is some criteria so that if any of the 3 bases are over taken by the other team, terminate the countdown making it so that the team has to re-take it and start the process over again.  I just want to make sure this is what you are looking for and in turn it may help other scripters/mission designers help.

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Use a timeout counter rather than countdown.

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I think the issue he is having though is even if the timeout starts. For the sake of argument lets say all 3 bases need to be owned and held for 10 hours. In that 10 hours the other team cannot once take any of the bases. If so then the counter has to be reset to count again.

The issue he is having is in the a team takes all 3 bases then in the 10 hours (again being a bit extreme on the time, but to make an argument) the bases can flip flop around and in the end be brought back to the same state they were in when it started. He ends up with a winning condition where in fact the timer should have been reset upon a change in base ownership. I don't think the timeout resolves that does it?

I am thinking he needs to have some form of identifier to be setup when all 3 bases are under ownership (doesn't matter by who) and after the timer expires only end if that identifier is the same and was not changed. Just trying to think out loud for a second there. I could be going way off here....

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On your first reply Tom, thats basically what im looking for.

Catpture all 3 bases = time starts, lose any or all = timer stops

recapture all 3 = timer starts from the beginning again.

currently the timer wont stop.

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In my testing, a timeout counter for a trigger both stops and resets itself.

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Not sitting infront of the editor I rarely can recall what options are on what screens. crazy_o.gif

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