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How Do I Create and Add Objectives?

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Yet another question from a newbie to Editing. I have the basic bones of my mission - I have created the enemy bases and targets, added units.

I want 3 objectives -

1. Kill an officer

2. Destroy Shilka1

3. Destroy Shilka2

I have added the required units and named them officer, shilka1 and shilka2

I have used CHris's Editor thing to create a breifing and added the three objectives. But I don't know what I need to do to get them up and running in game. Do I use triggers, scripts or the init line in the units to activate the objective list.

I have created a trigger that ends the game when all the units are dead using the

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">not alive shilka1 etc.

But I don't think thats the best way to end. I'd like to end the game using the individual objectives.

Is there anyone out ther that can offer some advice in plain languange? I really don't understand much about this editor just yet.


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You could try in the activation:-

not (alive officer) and not (alive shilka1) and not (alive shilka2)

in the TYPE of the trigger and choose End #1

to end the mission!

and another trigger :- not (alive officer)

and instead of :- end #1 select NONE

then select EFFECTS -text so that when officer is killed,

text says? Good job guys officer illiminated!

and two triggers for the shilka's! -for text hints

Gez hope that made sense? wink_o.gif

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Yeah - I know that the search is a cool feature and I already read that topic. It means nothing to me, what I need to know is how to make and use objectives. I don't understand init files and stuff like that yet.

Any more help will be appreciated.


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