Rambo-16AAB 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Im looking for a vehicles respaw/generation script with a twist. Script needs to generate a vehicle of a particular class dependen on ownership of a controll point on the map. Lets say your team owns point on the map. Then point A earns them a resupply of 1 armoured vehicle every 15 min ? ( Scripts issues a MBT, M113 Or Stryker Varient at random on the timer ) Point B would get you a support vehicle every so often ( Refuel, Rearm or repair truck or Medical M113 ) Point C would get you Aircraft ( Fixed or rotary wing from the available classes ) Point D for Other Transport ( Hummer varients, basic trucks, boats ) It would need the equivalent script for OPFOR. Of course if the enemy capture one of your vehicle generating points them they benefit from increased supply. The generated vehicles would need to be deployed at the teams primary spawn point or possibly at other captued pioints ( via mouse click on the map maby ? ) Thoughts? or comments on the practicallity of this.??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_Anger 0 Posted April 5, 2007 Interesting concept - if I understand this correctly you are trying to make a way for a team to basically control points on a map which will aid them with vehicles to try and take over the mssion. As control points are held the award is vehicles every so often. Do I understand it as mentioned? I do not have the insight to make this happen, but if we fully understand your intentions maybe someone can be an aid for you. Just checking to see if I understand... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rambo-16AAB 0 Posted April 5, 2007 Basically its a way to regulate vehicle spawn and give the respawn a tactical bearing on the game. Im looking at a very large scale mission to make use of the servers new Permanent mode so the mission may be played out over days untill victory. The different vehicle spawn concepts I have seen being used so far on maps dont have any realistic value to the missions. This way, those Vehicle producing points, call them factories if you like, will be a key componant to the survivabillity of your side. Lose your tank factory to the enemy, you loose the chance of fresh armour untill you recapture the factory while the enemy will benefit from increased production at your expense. I could take the idea a step further but not at the moment, I need to see if this concept could actually work first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites