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What's the problem in this script?

Script name is "bomb.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_bomb = _this select 0

_unit = _this select 1


TitleText ["Bomb Ready", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb"



TitleText ["Bomb timer set to 10 seconds", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb2"



TitleText ["10 seconds left", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb3"



TitleText ["9", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb4"



TitleText ["8", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb5"



TitleText ["7", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb6"



TitleText ["6", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb7"



TitleText ["5", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb8"



TitleText ["4", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb9"



TitleText ["3", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb10"



TitleText ["2", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb11"



TitleText ["1", "PLAIN"]:goto "bomb12"



TitleText ["Detenation", "PLAIN"]:goto "boom"



"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle getPos _bomb

So when i write to the waypoint's OnActivation line [the_name_of_object, name_of_the_unit] exec "bomb.sqs", the some text should come in white text like: "Bomb ready", "detenation in 30 seconds", "10", "9", "8"... like that. What should i do?

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: is then, as in:

?1==1 : player globalchat "1 is 1"

and the same in human:

if, 1 is equal to 1, then, execute this command

; separates commands on the same line, as in:

player globalchat "hello"; loon1 globalchat "hi"; loon2 globalchat "hey"

And there's no need for the gotos and #-tags, you'd only skip the delays (~) if they worked.

I'm not sure if I recall correcly but you might need to create the bombs a bit in the air for them to explode, like:

_p = getpos _bomb

"Shell125" createVehicle [_p select 0, _p select 1, 0.2]

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I really dont understand. Would you do a code example?

The problem is, that the text wont seen on the screen. I just want this: In the beginning, the player has in actionmenu command "Set timer to 30 sec.". After he click's it, the player will say in the sideChat "Bomb Ready", after 20 seconds he will say "Bomb timer: 10 seconds left". Then he will count like this; "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1", "Detenation". How is this possible?

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[object] exec "bomb.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">cutText ["Bomb in 30s", "PLAIN"]


cutText ["Bomb in 10...", "PLAIN"]




_str = format ["%1", _i]

cutText [_str, "PLAIN"]



?_i>0: goto "loop"

cutText ["Detonation", "PLAIN"]

_p = getpos (_this select 0)



"Shell125" createVehicle [_p select 0, _p select 1, (0.1+random 0.5)]


?_i<10: goto "loop2"

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Hello. I have a new problem of course. So, can someone show me a simple code example (script)? I need that kind of a script, that i can make an explosion to coordinates like He69. I mean just <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"Shell125" createVehicle "what's_in_here??"

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You can find out the coordinates or you can place an invisible marker ("Empty") there for example.

"Shell125" createVehicle [9536, 3904, 0]

"Shell125" createVehicle (getmarkerpos "markername")

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I mean that, i need that kind of a script that when i click on the map, there will after 20 seconds come a "Shell125"

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