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two issues with new mission

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I've created a mission with a 5-man squad, with all 5 in a group (blue lines going to one leader). The leader is a higher rank than all the others. He gets the command pictures at the bottom, yet the AI troops in multiplayer don't follow orders. Any ideas?

I've tried the "How do I....Get people to join my group or an AI's group?" post too, no joy.

Also I have an ammobox in the mission that I've emptied with removeAllWeapons this; Yet it is still full with the default kit in the mission. Any ideas?


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Thanks! Anyone got any ideas on the refusal to follow orders?

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AI, is real AI.

'Freeze' all your orders.

Analyze it second by second.

Post a real example, a real issue with all details you want.

Not all orders can be followed by all AI's in the same time.

Give us a real example, and we will try also to analyze it.

I noticed (i think, maybe, not a fact) that sometimes the leader is needing to have more than the next high rank... try to start from Colonel rank. Then, test orders (not all orders can be followed by all roles of your AI's).

If no 'renegades' when Colonel, choose the next down rank.

etc etc etc

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