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Need help with mission editor

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I'm trying to figure out how to create more realistic behaivor with vehicles... I'm trying to create some missions built around road-side ambushes, but I can't figure out how to make occupants leave the vehicles and return fire when the shooting starts. They just keep on relentlessly pushing towards the end of the waypoint until their vehicle is disabled. What can I change to fix this?

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Here is a better place for such a question. smile_o.gif

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In my testing, cargo units will generally disembark from wheeled transport vehicles at the first sign of trouble, but not from tracked vehicles. You will probably need to create tracked vehicle disembarking behaviour using a trigger.

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Does that include UAZs? In my testing it didn't quite work out, though I only did it a couple of times (one of those times was done with police jeeps, I'm not sure if they react in the same way). Thanks for the help

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Actually, that only seems to work in the case of a group riding in their own groups vehicle. If they are in another group's vehicle, they just sit around.

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I've actually had a group riding in another group's vehicle get out and respond to an attack without any scripting/triggers/whatnot, but the ambushers had a good twenty or more seconds' time to shoot up the Ural before the guys in the back hopped out.

I bet if you used a "detected" trigger covering the ambush area and then used the trigger to fire a short script that unassigned the soldiers from cargo it would work. I'll check it out tonight or tomorow and see what I find out.

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if you set the transports fuel to zero, when the ambush begins, the units should get out and fight...

synch a trigger with a wp, that is activated by the ambush group not present, set the transports fuel to full or whatever you choose the traveling group should move along

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Got to use a eject script and then script the units to take cover using the object ids or to move toward the enemy with the move command.

You can use facedirection commands to get them to trget enemy from cover or switch waypoint commands to get them to go to a particular place.

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