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Repair or Fuel

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Are you able to put Repair, or fuel on a ammo crate? if not, do tell me if it wont work...


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I know there are some addon crates that have a heal feature...

i imagine you could script any crate to repair or refuel...

or just use a trigger that creates an addaction command...

I guess it depends on what you are trying to do with the crates, if you want any unit to use the repair or refuel; scripting would be the way to go, if just for specfic unit(s) use a trigger(roughly the same size as the crate) and use the setdammage and setfuel commands to accomplish the task...

Trigger example

Activation ... Use the group (F2) command to indicate which units would be able to use the "crates"

Note: If want to use for an entire group, make sure that the activation is set to anyone in the group.

Use to repair individual unit put this code in the triggers init field:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unitname setdammage 0

it can be used for a group in a similar mannner....

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POW! there's my answer. DUHHH!!! huh.gif now i totally get it. you see-- i just answered someone, giving him a script that'll help me do this! Thanks for joggin my memory... yay.gifyay.gif

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Not new just new handle I got burned out on OFP and just recently started to get back into it....

Got a better cpu and resistance..

Thanks! biggrin_o.gif

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CWC sux compered to Resistance huh? Expansions of scripting abilities, animations, and guns! And others i don't remember. banghead.gif

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