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Securom problem

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basically after i updated to v1.05 the dvd drive only recognises ArmA intermittenly, other times its as if the disc hasnt even been inserted.  

it usually isnt recognised after i have been using my DVD drive a lot to play other games before i insert the disc.  i dont think i have any programs that ArmA would consider illegal ,i have been told it could be a problem with my DVD-rom but it works with every other game or DVD without fail so i dont see it being that and i have emailed securom customer support but as you can imagine thats taking a while, so anyone have any ideas?

PS: and yes i have used the search function and found similar topics with useful information but none of it helps me fix my problem

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basically after i updated to v1.05 the dvd drive only recognises ArmA intermittenly, other times its as if the disc hasnt even been inserted.

it usually isnt recognised after i have been using my DVD drive a lot to play other games before i insert the disc. i dont think i have any programs that ArmA would consider illegal ,i have been told it could be a problem with my DVD-rom but it works with every other game or DVD without fail so i dont see it being that and i have emailed securom customer support but as you can imagine thats taking a while, so anyone have any ideas?

PS: and yes i have used the search function and found similar topics with useful information but none of it helps me fix my problem

Most simple solution is that it's possible spyware, a virus or trojan may have damaged your windows installation.

Or you or someone who uses your machine has installed a virtual drive programme or DVD region protection removal programme. Alchol 120, Any DVD etc etc etc etc.

Or DRM from a mp3 site / video site is basically pissing of secure rom.

or a windows patch messed up sometime ago.

Now you can spend 3 weeks trying to figure out what went wrong OR...

Most simple thing to do is buy another small HD, install XP on it and update the bios on your DVD (try the dvd bios update first).

A new HD is cheap and a nice fresh Xp install with lastest drivers will makes XP zip along and make arma work like a dream.

Its a pain but a darn sight cheaper than buying a new PC. ;}

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predator887, do you happen to have more than one optical drive in your PC, i.e. DVD-ROM drive and a CD-RW?

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thats my next step, i plan to put in another DVD drive that i have in another computer cause i also have a free space for it but i just wanted to see if there was anything else it could be cause i havent quite got round to doing that yet but your right that seems like the most sensible thing to do next

aslo thx dirty larry, ill keep that one in the back of my mind for later if things are still not working but before there are other things i will try, also i believe this is a problem caused by the 1.05 patch so could be solved by the 1.06 patch any idea on elease date or is it likely to be when the US version is released in a months time

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I have had a similar issue, although my DVD always opens the disc but when I clicked on the ArmA desktop icon, nothing would happen. My cursor would flicker for a second, then nothing. It was like Securom refused to start.

Although I found out that if I right-click on the desktop icon and select "Run As" and run as Administrator, then it started with out fail.

I still don't know why this happens BUT I get ArmA to run just fine, and if this is how I have to do it, then so be it.

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I have had a similar issue, although my DVD always opens the disc but when I clicked on the ArmA desktop icon, nothing would happen. My cursor would flicker for a second, then nothing. It was like Securom refused to start.

Although I found out that if I right-click on the desktop icon and select "Run As" and run as Administrator, then it started with out fail.

I still don't know why this happens BUT I get ArmA to run just fine, and if this is how I have to do it, then so be it.

I personally think secure rom fights with other drm stuff (I suspect starforce) I know starforce pissed off BF2.

I plugged in an old dvd rm drive and then suddenly Bf2 worked like a dream. So just throuwing in another dvd drive might solve issues for some.

I have also noticed after connecting my ipod and itunes, ARMA sometiems wont start. Quick reboot all fixed.

I hate game DRM but I understand why they have to do it.

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problem solved by putting a newer DVD drive into my machine, so i guess the other DVD couldnt handle the copy protection

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