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I've this annoying problem:

In my mission, you can call some support teams.

Teams are bringed on the battlefield by a chopper

The landing position it is setted by user (onmapsingleclick).

Now: How can I add a control to the chopper, when itself is near to disembark the team in a forest?

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You can force a helicopter to land in a specified place by placing a landing "H". This you can find it in the empty objects section when you create a new unit.

Try adding an empty object such as H(invisible) in the middle of the forest.

But take a look before at the place the chopper lands on so it's is clear of trees to prevent it from crashing.

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try having a invisable heli pad on the map some where and in the script where you have the onmouseclick get the invisable heli pad to setpos getpos to where the mouse clicks i do it with my airstrike script that way you one have 1 object in the mission and it just gets moved around


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