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major woody

Artillery script

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I've found this old artilleryscript on ofpedc looong time ago (Before the big server crash). IMHO this is the best artillery script next to CoC UA. Would anybody be so kind helping me to convert this into ArmA?


Quote[/b] ]

; [_option] Exec "ArtilleryCommand.sqs"

; Provides radio menu and relevant globals for use with "FireArtillery.sqs"

; direct fire artillery script.

; - To use this, create eight triggers for eight radio channels in the mission.

;   The OnActivation box for each trigger should have

;   [<1-8>] Exec "ArtilleryCommand.sqs" where the number corresponds to the

;   number of the radio channel.

; - Use the radio from the map screen for easiest use.

; - The targeting menu accepts X and Y grid coordinates. The number after

;   the decimal point is in tenths of a 128 m x 128 m grid square, e.g.

;   EG.5 43.5 is the center of grid square EG,43. The +/- buttons increment

;   in larger steps when clicking fast.

; - Select "Prep" to switch to the fire menu.

; - "Fire1" fires one round for adjustment purposes.

; - The EL+/EL- adjusts the barrel elevation in 0.05 deg increments. Higher barrel

;   elevation increases range. (M60 can't get high enough for lofted trajectories.)

; - "Fire for effect" lets loose with everything until "Cease fire" is selected

;   or the tanks run out of ammo. This currently uses 4 M60's which must be

;   named Art1, Art2, Art3, Art4 in the mission.

; - A player object named Spotter is used to initialize the grid coordinates


;   Foster NOV 2001

_option = _this Select 0

_charvect = ["A","B","C","D","E","F",&quot


_time = (DayTime)*3600

_artillerylist = [Art1,Art2,Art3,Art4]

_nartillery = Count _artillerylist

_artlead = _artillerylist Select 0

? (_option == 0) : Goto "Case0"

? (_time - lasttime > 0.25) : _deltaxy = 12.8

? (_time - lasttime <= 0.25) : _deltaxy = 128

? (radiomenu==1) : _option = _option + 8

? (_option == 1) : Goto "Case1"

? (_option == 2) : Goto "Case2"

? (_option == 3) : Goto "Case3"

? (_option == 4) : Goto "Case4"

? (_option == 5) : Goto "Case5"

? (_option == 6) : Goto "Case6"

? (_option == 7) : Goto "Case7"

? (_option == 8) : Goto "AllDone"

? (_option == 9) : Goto "Case9"

? (_option == 10) : Goto "Case10"

? (_option == 11) : Goto "Case11"

? (_option == 12) : Goto "Case12"

? (_option == 13) : Goto "Case13"

? (_option == 14) : Goto "Case14"

? (_option == 15) : Goto "Case15"

? (_option == 16) : Goto "Case16"

Goto "AllDone"



; Initialization

targetx = (GetPos Spotter) Select 0

targety = (GetPos Spotter) Select 1

elcomp = 0

xcomp = 0

ycomp = 0

targetheight = 50

targetpattern = 0

targetradius = 5

radiomenu = 0

fireoption = 0

Goto "UpdateRadio"



Me Say "FFF22"

targetx = targetx + _deltaxy

Goto "UpdateRadio"



targetx = targetx - _deltaxy

Goto "UpdateRadio"



targety = targety - _deltaxy

Goto "UpdateRadio"



targety = targety + _deltaxy

Goto "UpdateRadio"



targetheight = targetheight + 1

Goto "UpdateRadio"



targetheight = targetheight - 1

Goto "UpdateRadio"



radiomenu = 1

Goto "UpdateRadio"



xcomp = xcomp + 5

Goto "UpdateRadio"



xcomp = xcomp - 5

Goto "UpdateRadio"



ycomp = ycomp + 5

Goto "UpdateRadio"



ycomp = ycomp - 5

Goto "UpdateRadio"



[_artlead,[targetx,targety,targetheight],2] Exec "FireArtillery.sqs"

_artlead SideRadio "firingone"


Goto "UpdateRadio"



? (fireoption == 0) : Goto "FFE"


fireoption = 0

_artlead SideRadio "ceasingfire"


Goto "UpdateRadio"


fireoption = 1

; lead artillery takes calibrated target, others spread

[_artlead,[targetx,targety,targetheight],1] Exec "FireArtillery.sqs"

_loopind = 1


? (_loopind > _nartillery - 1) : Goto "loopdone"

_dx = targetradius*cos(360*_loopind/(_nartillery-1))

_dy = targetradius*sin(360*_loopind/(_nartillery-1))

_arti = _artillerylist Select _loopind

[_arti,[targetx+_dx,targety+_dy,targetheight],0] Exec "FireArtillery.sqs"

_loopind = _loopind + 1

Goto "loopstart"


_artlead SideRadio "firingforeffect"


Goto "UpdateRadio"



? (targetpattern == 0) : Goto "pwide"


targetpattern = 0

targetradius = 5

Goto "UpdateRadio"


targetpattern = 1

targetradius = 40

Goto "UpdateRadio"



radiomenu = 0

elcomp = 0

fireoption = 0

Goto "UpdateRadio"



_returnlabel = "Ret1"

Goto "GridCalc"


? (radiomenu == 1) : Goto "FireMenu"


1 SetRadioMsg "  X+"

2 SetRadioMsg "  X-"

3 SetRadioMsg "  Y+"

4 SetRadioMsg "  Y-"

5 SetRadioMsg "  Height+"

6 SetRadioMsg "  Height-"

7 SetRadioMsg Format ["Prep %1%2.%3 %4%5.%6 H %7",_xc1,_xc2,_xc3,_yc1,_yc2,_yc3,targetheight]

8 SetRadioMsg "---"

Goto "AllDone"


1 SetRadioMsg "  Correct East"

2 SetRadioMsg "  Correct West"

3 SetRadioMsg "  Correct North"

4 SetRadioMsg "  Correct South"

5 SetRadioMsg Format ["Fire1 %1%2.%3 %4%5.%6 H %7 E %8 N %9 ",_xc1,_xc2,_xc3,_yc1,_yc2,_yc3,targetheight,xcomp,ycomp]

? (fireoption == 0) : 6 SetRadioMsg Format ["Fire for effect"]

? (fireoption != 0) : 6 SetRadioMsg Format ["Cease fire"]

? (targetpattern == 0) : 7 SetRadioMsg "Set pattern wide"

? (targetpattern != 0) : 7 SetRadioMsg "Set pattern tight"

8 SetRadioMsg "Clear target"

Goto "AllDone"



lasttime = _time



_xc1 = (targetx / 1280)

_xc1 = _xc1 - (_xc1 % 1)

_xc1 = _charvect Select _xc1

_xc2 = (targetx % 1280) / 128

_xc2 = _xc2 - (_xc2 % 1)

_xc2 = _charvect Select _xc2

_xc3 = (targetx % 128) / 12.8

_xc3 = _xc3 - (_xc3 % 1)

_yc1 = (12800 - targety) / 1280

_yc1 = _yc1 - (_yc1 % 1)

_yc2 = ((12800 - targety) % 1280) / 128

_yc2 = _yc2 - (_yc2 % 1)

_yc3 = ((12800 - targety) % 128) / 12.8

_yc3 = _yc3 - (_yc3 % 1)

Goto _returnlabel


Quote[/b] ]

; [_artillery,_datum,_verb] Exec "FireArtillery.sqs"

; Direct fire artillery script using M60 tank


; Notes

; - Started with the "Direct Fire Mission Simulator" scripts by "Marlboro"

; - Includes geometric method for terrain altitude calculation using a

;   sea-level marker placed in the mission. This is also used to set the dummy

;   target elevation in a way that isn't as sensitive to the flatness of the

;   local terrain. Target object is used to call the Distance function then

;   Watch is used with a position argument to set the barrel elevation.

; - Uses linearly interpolated el-range points to set gun elevation. A height

;   adjustment is factored in assuming a 45 degree final trajectory. I tried

;   to fit a number of ballistic models to the data without any real success,

;   first and second order drag models didn't work well. The ideal no drag

;   r = v^2/g*sin(2*el) is too optimistic. Best accuracy is between 3 and 4 km.

;   For shorter distances the trajectory is too shallow to predict range

;   accurately with this method. A modified vehicle with greater max gun elevation

;   could be used for more accurate short range lofted trajectories. Or perhaps

;   a shell with more drag or less mass.

; - Use with the "ArtilleryCommand.sqs" script, to enter target location in map

;   grid notation and zero-in on target before firing for effect.


;   Foster NOV 2001

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; _artillery is the M60 tank object to act as artillery

; _datum is an [x,y,z] position vector for the target

_artillery = _this Select 0

_datum = _this Select 1

_verb = _this Select 2

; Check to see if artillery is occupied

? ((CombatMode _artillery) == "BLUE") : Goto "AbortBlue"

_pos = GetPos _artillery

_posx = _pos Select 0

_posy = _pos Select 1

_posz = _pos Select 2

_artillery SetBehaviour "COMBAT"

_artillery SetCombatMode "BLUE"

_artillery DisableAI "Move"

; create dummy target, start in water for terrain height calc

_target = "Radio" CamCreate [0,0,0]


_posdatx = (_datum Select 0) + xcomp

_posdaty = (_datum Select 1) + ycomp

_posdatz = _datum Select 2


; -------------------------------------------

; Calculate terrain height for artillery location

; I do this geometrically using a sea-level marker to move the radio

; target for lack of a better method. Accuracy is affected by the

; distance between the sea-level marker and artillery. The height

; returned is 2-3 m higher than terrain height due to the unit height

; of the M60.

_posSL = GetMarkerPos "SeaLevel"

_posSLx = _posSL Select 0

_posSLy = _posSL Select 1

_target SetPos _posSL

_dx = (_posx - _posSLx)

_dy = (_posy - _posSLy)

_rangetest = _artillery Distance _target

_zart = sqrt(_rangetest^2 - _dx^2 - _dy^2)

_zdiff = _posdatz - _zart

? (_verb > 1) : _artillery SideChat Format ["Artillery height ASL %1 m (diff %2)",_zart,_zdiff]

;_artillery SideChat Format ["Target height (estimated) ASL %1 m",_posdatz]

;_artillery SideChat Format ["Differential height %1 m",_zdiff]

; -------------------------------------------

_dx = (_posdatx - _posx)

_dy = (_posdaty - _posy)

_rangedatum = sqrt(_dx^2 + _dy^2)

? (_verb > 0) : _artillery SideChat Format ["Range (slant) to target %1 m",_rangedatum]


; -------------------------------------------

; Linearly interpolate to find approx gun el

;                      x     x     x     x     x     x      x     x      x

_elvect = [2.0,  2.4, 2.43, 3.35, 4.20, 5.33, 5.89, 6.37,  7.0, 10.83, 13.1]

_rvect = [2000, 2500, 2900, 3140, 3320, 3585, 3700, 3790, 3900,  4300, 4450]

_rmin = (_rvect Select 0) - _zdiff

_rmax = (_rvect Select ((Count _rvect)-1)) - _zdiff

? (_rangedatum < _rmin) : Goto "AbortMin"

? (_rangedatum >= _rmax) : Goto "AbortMax"

_ind = 0


_ri = (_rvect Select _ind) - _zdiff

? (_ri > _rangedatum) : Goto "BracketFound"

_ind = _ind + 1


Goto "NextR"


_rp = (_rvect Select (_ind - 1)) - _zdiff

_ela = _elvect Select (_ind - 1)

_elb = _elvect Select _ind

_el = (_elb - _ela)*(_rangedatum - _rp)/(_ri - _rp) + _ela

;_artillery SideChat Format[ "ri %1 rp %2 ela %3 elb %4 el %5",_ri,_rp,_ela,_elb,_el]

_el = _el + elcomp

_firecount = 1

; -------------------------------------------


_artillery SetPos _pos

; call CalcBearing ***

; randomize bearing

_rand1 = Random 1

_rand2 = Random 1

_pi = 3.14159

_randn1 = sqrt(-2*ln(_rand1))*cos(2*_pi*_rand2)

_randn2 = sqrt(-2*ln(_rand1))*sin(2*_pi*_rand2)

_posxa = _posx

_posxb = _posdatx + 5*_randn1

_posya = _posy

_posyb = _posdaty + 5*_randn1

_rettagb = "Ret0"

Goto "CalcBearing"


_tbearing = _bearing

; -------------------------------------------

; This attempts to account for varying terrain heights.

_tr = 100

_posb = [_posx+(_tr*sin(_tbearing)),_posy+(_tr*cos(_tbearing)), 200]

_target SetPos _posb

_trange = _artillery Distance _target

_theight = sqrt(_trange^2 - _tr^2) - 200

_tsetheight = _tr*tan(_el) - _theight

_posb = [_posx+(_tr*sin(_tbearing)),_posy+(_tr*cos(_tbearing)), _tsetheight]

_posb2 = [_posx+(_tr*sin(_tbearing)),_posy+(_tr*cos(_tbearing)), 2*_tsetheight]

; -------------------------------------------

;_rangenodrag = ((720^2)/9.8)*sin(2*_el)

? (_verb > 1) : _artillery SideChat Format["Gun el:%1 ",_el]


~ (Random 2)

; Call LockToTarget ***

_observer = _artillery

_rettag = "Ret1"

Goto "LockToTarget"


_ammo = _artillery Ammo ""

;? (_ammo <= 1) : Goto "AbortAmmo"

? (_verb > 0) : _artillery SideChat Format ["Firing %1 at bearing of %2 deg (%3)",_firecount,GetDir _artillery,_ammo]

_artillery Fire ["D30"]

@((_artillery Ammo "Sh_122_HE")==(_ammo - 1))

_target SetPos _posb2


_firecount = _firecount + 1

;? (_firecount <= 1) : Goto "head"

? (fireoption == 1) : Goto "head"

CamDestroy _target

_artillery SetCombatMode "YELLOW"

? (_verb > 0) : _artillery SideChat "Sequence complete"


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


_artillery SetCombatMode "YELLOW"

_artillery SideChat Format["Fire control, unable to target. B %1 C %2 Aborting mission.",_posb,_posc]

_artillery SideChat Format["Combat mode %1",CombatMode _artillery]


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


_artillery SetCombatMode "YELLOW"

_artillery SideChat Format ["Target is inside of minimum range (%1 km). Aborting mission.",_rmin]


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


_artillery SetCombatMode "YELLOW"

_artillery SideChat Format ["Target is out of range (%1 km). Aborting mission.",_rmax]


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


_artillery SideChat "Already engaged."


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


_artillery SideChat "Out of ammunition."


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


_posobs = GetPos _observer

; -------------------------------------------

_loopcount = 0


_loopcount = _loopcount + 1

_observer SetDir _tbearing


_observer DoWatch _posb


_curdir = GetDir _observer

; Check bearing error

_dsin = abs(sin(_curdir) - sin(_tbearing))

_dcos = abs(cos(_curdir) - cos(_tbearing))

_dsum = _dsin + _dcos

? (_dsum < 0.03) : Goto "lockdone"

;_observer SideChat Format ["Position error %1, adjusting %2",_dsum,_loopcount]

_observer SetPos _posobs


Goto "loopstart"


Goto _rettag

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


; Calculate bearing to datum

_dx = (_posxb - _posxa)

_dy = (_posyb - _posya)

? (_dy != 0) : Goto "divok"

_dy = 0.0001


_bearing = atan (_dx/_dy)

? (_dy < 0) : Goto "Q34"

Goto "Q12"


_bearing = _bearing + 180.0


? _bearing < 0 : _bearing = _bearing + 360.0

;_artillery SideChat Format ["CalcBearing:%1",_bearing]

Goto _rettagb


Quote[/b] ]; [_obj] Exec "DisplayGrid.sqs"

; SideChat's grid coords of _obj

; DK NOV2001

_obj = _this Select 0

_charvect = ["A","B","C","D","E","F",&quot


_pos = GetPos _obj

_posx = _pos Select 0

_posy = _pos Select 1

_xc1 = (_posx / 1280)

_xc1 = _xc1 - (_xc1 % 1)

_xc1 = _charvect Select _xc1

_xc2 = (_posx % 1280) / 128

_xc2 = _xc2 - (_xc2 % 1)

_xc2 = _charvect Select _xc2

_yc1 = (12800 - _posy) / 1280

_yc1 = _yc1 - (_yc1 % 1)

_yc2 = ((12800 - _posy) % 1280) / 128

_yc2 = _yc2 - (_yc2 % 1)


_obj SideChat Format ["Current pos %1%2,%3%4",_xc1,_xc2,_yc1,_yc2]

Hope the scripts are enough - otherwise PM me to recive a copy of the mission smile_o.gif

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3 days and 64 views later with no replies I assume nobody has an answer for this?    crazy_o.gif

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And in those 3 days........how much progress did you make yourself?

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