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Camera.sqs target missle/bomb?

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How can I have a camera.sqs target a missile or bomb launched from a vehicle? The camera could follow ordinances in OFP.. but I don't know how I would go about doing this.

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This works for me, camera is attached to any object a unit can fire, drop like bullets, bombs, rockets, grenades,...

1- This in the players init :

Quote[/b] ]this addEventHandler ["fired",{_this exec "projectilecam.sqs"}]

2- Projectilecam.sqs

Quote[/b] ]_proj = nearestObject [vehicle(player), _this select 4]

? isNull _proj : exit

_Type= typeOf _proj

_offsetX = 0

_offsetY = -4

_offsetZ = .2

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]


_cam camsettarget _proj

_cam camsetrelpos [_offsetX,_offsetY,_offsetZ]

_cam camsetfov 0.4

_cam camcommit 0

? isnull _proj : _cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"];goto "end"

goto "loop"


camdestroy _cam;


I'm working on a target practice mission with bullettime, here are a few movies from the script in action :




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