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Harrier "Tail-Rotor Failure" type script?

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Edit: Okay, even a harrier spinning out of control is irrational. So essentially the topic is dead. For the record: The thread title was based on an older tutorial script from OFPEC. I used it merely to provide context to my question. I'm not an idiot, and never said that harriers had rotors.

Original Thread Start:--------------------

Say I have a hovering AI harrier, I want to simulate it getting hit by an RPG and thus causing it to spin towards its death in the depths of the evil and horrendous meadows. pistols.gif

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Um... but Harriers don't have any rotors... why on earth would they spin? Spinning only happens on rotorcraft (at least the kind you're talking about). If a Harrier is hit in mid-hover it's not going to spin, it'll more likely drop like a stone (if the hit causes it to lose downward thrust).

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That sounds like fun. Lets make an Arma Amusement park. I think ill work on that mod.

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The harrier is hovering and a rocket hits its rudder and while in still in hovering mode... spins out. It's very possible.

I called it a "tail rotor type" script because of the old tail rotor script from OFP. I never said the harriers "rotor" you assumed I said it and thought that making fun of me would be the right course of action. I merely thought it would shed some light as to what I'm talking about. As many whom played OFP have heard of this script.

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it still wouldn't spin.

If an RPG hit the tail of a hovering harrier then a large bit of the tail would probably fall off and the whole aircraft would begin to rock wildly, if the pilot shifted thrust to normal in an attempt to recover then the aircraft would immediately nose up to the vertical and fall out of the sky backwards.  If the pilot didnt shift thrust then the aircraft would probably continue rocking until a wing hit the deck or simply turn over on it's side and roll straight into the ground.  Then there'd be a loud bang......


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Alright say your correct. Say I'll change my plea to "How can I have a harrier rapidly rock back and forth"?

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The harrier is hovering and a rocket hits its rudder and while in still in hovering mode... spins out. It's very possible.

I called it a "tail rotor type" script because of the old tail rotor script from OFP. I never said the harriers "rotor" you assumed I said it and thought that making fun of me would be the right course of action. I merely thought it would shed some light as to what I'm talking about. As many whom played OFP have heard of this script.

That doesn't matter, spinning only happens with rotorcraft. When a helicopter loses it's tail rotor (or one of it's main rotors if it has 2) it has nothing to counteract the torque produced by the remaining rotor, that's the only reason they spin. Harriers, not having any large spinning objects like a rotor and thus nothing to produce sufficient torque, wouldn't have the means to start spinning. Some simple knowledge of physics would allow you to better understand it. Harriers use thrust vectoring to hover, if it's hit it'll most likely just lose control like Swoop said. It'd probably be quite prone to rolling over too, since at least with rotors I'd think it'd create somewhat of a gyroscopic effect that'd help keep the aircraft level.

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Harriers do have jets ("puffers") like the space shuttle though, damaging them could cause some unexpected behavior similar to a rotor failure on a single rotor craft.

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Correct. Sorry. I do apologize. I wasn't thinking.



.. Kill this thrrreaddd!

-- Im sure you can force it to do it.. but I've already finished a uh60 tail rotor scene in my next film.

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