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6 Questions

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1. Is there some kind of trigger for activating the lights of Stoplights, if they do infact even activate?

2. Is there a way to set a particular weapon to a soldier other than by assigning him as a Rifleman/AT/Machine Gunner etc...?

3. Any way yet of getting men to sit in chairs/ on floor?

4. Any way of triggering a soldier to salute?

5. Is it possible to move objects during some kind of in-game mode, rather than moving them a little in the map editor, then previewing?

6. Is there a way to remove objects that are preset into the islands? E.g. Road signs?

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2. To units init field:

this removeallweapons this; this addweapon "nameofweapon"; this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";

E.g.: this removeallweapons this; this addweapon "M4A1SD"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

Heres the list of weapons and ammo

Also, if my memory server me right, there is a list for ready made weaponloadouts somewhere on this forum, ready for copying & pasting smile_o.gif

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1. No.

2. *answered by amoult*

3. There are MANY movment commands and even a demo showing you EVERY movement in the game, and letting you see it. Use the search function.

4. See #3 above. Same thing... related question.

5. No.

6. No.. but you can "blow them up" into rubble. smile_o.gif (well, most of them anyway.. oil rigs seem to be indestructible). If you want a custom island, make an island smile_o.gif

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2. To units init field:

this removeallweapons this; this addweapon "nameofweapon"; this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";

E.g.: this removeallweapons this; this addweapon "M4A1SD"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

Heres the list of weapons and ammo

Also, if my memory server me right, there is a list for ready made weaponloadouts somewhere on this forum, ready for copying & pasting smile_o.gif

Rather add the magazines first, then the weapon. That makes sure that you don't need to reload your weapon at the start. Eg:

this removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addweapon "M4A1SD"

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3. There are MANY movment commands and even a demo showing you EVERY movement in the game, and letting you see it. Use the search function.

I have used the search function, and found nothing of the sort? Where is this located?

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