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What´s the matter with Shadows?

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What´s the matter with shadows? also in low eats lots of fps. If i disable i win 30%-40% more of fps.

I don´t want to imagine to put shadows in medium or high...


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Detailed shadows in games are always demanding. Sure disabling them gets extra FPS, but it also makes the game look like crap.

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post processing with shadows seemed to be the fps killer for me

post processing is gone now and after review i dont want it back even if it didnt kill fps, blurr vision is not my vision

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post processing is gone now and after review i dont want it back even if it didnt kill fps, blurr vision is not my vision

Blur vision? It doesn't blur my vision. There is a DOF effect in weapon sights and in cutscenes, but it shouldn't blur everything or have any negative affect on gameplay. I'm not sure what you are talking about huh.gif .

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You can't disable the postprocessing in ArmA, it is always on...you have a choice of low or high postprocessing effect. (unless of course you are using riverturner to force pixel shader off)

As for shadows, the low/medium shadows use up more of your FPS because they are crappy stencil shadows...if you have a decent video card, set shadows to high to use the gpu optimized shadowing which render faster biggrin_o.gif

ArmA is the only game I have ever played where changing the settings have little or no effect on fps.....eg. changing view distance from extreme low to extreme high huh.gif

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Ive found that setting the shadow detail to low still gives you good results and doesnt reduce FPS by that much, well not on my Radeon 9800 anyways wink_o.gif

Anything higher MURDERS performance.

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Ive found that setting the shadow detail to low still gives you good results and doesnt reduce FPS by that much, well not on my Radeon 9800 anyways wink_o.gif

Anything higher MURDERS performance.

well I dunno about you, but I have a NV 7600GT and setting shadows to low or medium gives crap fps, high shadows give much smoother fps....disabling shadows gives back an extra 5-10 fps.

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