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Sentry and Guard waypoints

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What's exactly the difference between sentry and guard waypoints? I've read waypoint topics in Biki and played around in editor but it's still not quite clear. If I don't have any Guarded by trigger, just enemy group with single guard or sentry waypoint, they come looking for me if I harass them and then return to that waypoint when area is 'clear'.

From biki: "Sentry - The unit will hold position until any member spots an enemy. At that point, the unit will proceed to their new waypoint. If the unit is not set to hold fire, they may engage the enemy on the way."

From that [bolded part] I get that if I had a waypoint after sentry waypoint they would switch to that if enemy was detected. ..but that doesn't seem to happen.

So what is the purpose of sentry waypoint?

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Quote[/b] ]So what is the purpose of sentry waypoint?

It´s useful for having units defend a camp for example. They will not move out as with the guard WP but only engage if there is an imminent threat around their sentry area.

With guard WP the units will detect if another unit of their class has been killed and will move out to engage, no matter if the unit of their class has been killed near them, or 2 kilometers away.

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It should be "at that point, the unit will proceed to their next waypoint"

In ArmA, a sentry WP means the group will stop until they knowAbout an enemy unit they can attack. They will then continue on to next WP (generally attacking the enemy unit at the same time).

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Quote[/b] ]So what is the purpose of sentry waypoint?

It´s useful for having units defend a camp for example. They will not move out as with the guard WP but only engage if there is an imminent threat around their sentry area.

With guard WP the units will detect if another unit of their class has been killed and will move out to engage, no matter if the unit of their class has been killed near them, or 2 kilometers away.

By class, do you mean infantry, armoured, air, because a sniper will hunt you down regardless of any other snipers on his side being KIA.



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Hi all

The sentry and guard waypoints are very useful

As is the "Guarded By" trigger which acts as an attractor for those units in Guard mode.

Some example uses of Sentry.

Place a single soldier on sentry on a hill top to observe set him to never fire and stealth. Have lots of units in guard waypoints beyond the hill. Mess around with view directions. When Hiding them in bushes make sure their view is not obstructed. This will create a simple dynamic mission that will react differently each time.

If set to sentry and you want them to react rather than freeze have the next waypoint be a logical one, such one that causes them to crawl and hide behind cover.

Or if an officer you might send them to join and lead a group set to guard mode.

The guard waypoint is the most important waypoint you have.

Kind regards walker

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