slimnala 0 Posted March 19, 2007 Ok guys, I ran into a problem importing a mission from OFP....This mission works fine in OFP. I am tring to get my units to be created through scripts but am getting this ERROR: <span style='color:red'>'....Esoldierpad, group _player,"",.5,_rank] |#| call createunit2' Error call:Type string, expected code</span> my menu's are working fine: this is part of menu dialog: Soldier.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _player = _this select 0 lbClear 3200 lbClear 3213 ctrlShow[3209,false] ctrlShow[3212,false] ?(side _player == East):goto "EastFillSoldiers" #EastFillSoldiers _index = lbAdd [3200, "Medic"] lbSetData [3200, _index, "SoldierEMedic"] lbSetValue [3200, _index, 55] these value's are sent to this file Purchase.SQS <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ##### File v1.53 w/ manned _which = lbValue [3210, 0] _index = lbCurSel 3200 _cost = lbValue [3200, _index] _vehicledata = lbData [3200, _index] _textname = lbText [3200, _index] _colortype = lbColor [3200, _index] _player = _this select 0 _manned = _this select 1 ?(_which == 1):goto "Soldiers" ?(_which == 2):goto "Weapons" ?(_which == 3):goto "Vehicles" ?(_which == 4):goto "Aircraft" ?(_which == 5):goto "Boats" closeDialog 0 exit ####################################################### SOLDIERS #Soldiers _unit = _vehicledata ?(side _player == West):goto "WestSoldier" ?(side _player == East):goto "EastSoldier" #WestSoldier ? eastnobuy==1:goto "enemypresent" _currentunits=count units group _player ? wscore<_cost:goto "nomoney" ?(_currentunits >= 1):_rank="MAJOR" ?(_currentunits >= 2):_rank="CAPTAIN" ?(_currentunits >= 3):_rank="LIEUTENANT" ?(_currentunits >= 4):_rank="SERGEANT" ?(_currentunits >= 5):_rank="CORPORAL" ?(_currentunits >= 6):_rank="PRIVATE" ?(_currentunits >= TroopMaxW):goto "toomany" _chooseunit = [_unit, getpos WSoldierPad,group _player,"",.5,_rank] call createUnit2 wscore=wscore-_cost PublicVariable "wscore" [_chooseunit] exec "FUNcTIONS\EquipNVGoggles.sqs" [_chooseunit] exec "FUNcTIONS\AddNewUnits.sqs" _chooseunit addEventHandler ["killed",{_this exec "\EVOObjs_PS\Killing.sqs"}] exit #EastSoldier ? westnobuy==1:goto "enemypresent" _currentunits=count units group _player ? escore<_cost:goto "nomoney" ?(_currentunits >= 1):_rank="MAJOR" ?(_currentunits >= 2):_rank="CAPTAIN" ?(_currentunits >= 3):_rank="LIEUTENANT" ?(_currentunits >= 4):_rank="SERGEANT" ?(_currentunits >= 5):_rank="CORPORAL" ?(_currentunits >= 6):_rank="PRIVATE" ?(_currentunits >= TroopMaxE):goto "toomany" _chooseunit = [_unit, getpos ESoldierPad,group _player,"",.5,_rank] call CreateUnit2 escore=escore-_cost PublicVariable "escore" [_chooseunit] exec "FUNcTIONS\EquipNVGoggles.sqs" [_chooseunit] exec "FUNcTIONS\AddNewUnits.sqs" _chooseunit addEventHandler ["killed",{_this exec "\EVOObjs_PS\Killing.sqs"}] exit createunit2.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> //createUnit2 v 1.0 //By Backoff ( //This function does the same as createUnit but it will return the new object id. //usage: //place the sqf file in your mission folder and add this line in your init.sqs: //'createUnit2 = preprocessfile "createUnit2.sqf"' _private = ["_class","_pos","_group","_init","_skill","_rank","_index","_return"]; _class = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _group = _this select 2; _index = count units _group; _return = false; if(count _this > 3)then { _class createUnit [_pos,_group,_this select 3,_this select 4,_this select 5]; } else { _class createUnit [_pos,_group,"",0.5,"PRIVATE"]; }; if(_index < 12)then { _return = (units _group) select ((count units _group) -1); }; _return; I do have the preprocessfile  command in my init I think the error has to do with the values I am sending to createunit2.  Agian this works in ofp but not armed assault if that helps....... Any Idea's would be appreciated..... Thnx Slimnala Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 13 Posted March 19, 2007 At the init: PreProcessFile "Filename" replace to: compile preProcessFile "Filename" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slimnala 0 Posted March 19, 2007 Â Thnx sickboy that was it slimnala Share this post Link to post Share on other sites