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how to let AI soldier get in a empty vehical?

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I made a mission, created a AI soilder "Ai" and 2 waypoint for it. put a empty vehical "empytcar" beside the first waypoint of that AI soilder. in first waypoint acition I wrote "Ai action ["GETINCOMMANDER", empytcar]". I hope the AI can getin the car and drive it to waypoint 2.

but when I previewed it, nothing happened as I hope. the AI just passed the vehical and run to waypoint on foot directly.

Anything did I missed? Can the empty vehical be used by AI?

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Just create the first waypoint on the empty car, and set it to type Get In. AFAIK you can not move an existing positional waypoint to an object.

edit: Car class units generally do not have commander positions, but it seems they will get in driver seat if available.

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Or use assignAsCommander instead, it's the proper way to do it with commands (instead of action). Of course there's nothing inproper about using waypoints. Using the commands allows you to be more specific however, using a Get In waypoint gives priority to the driver position, so if the vehicle is empty the unit will get in as driver by default unless you use assignAsCommander.

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