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Config modding Q&A

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Hi folks !

I miss some topic to discuss general config modding issues and discoveries.

Would be great if we could start a little knowledge base. The wiki does not offer those answers.

I had to find out that the AI choose their weapons by the damage dealt. If the Hyrda-70 is configurated to 277 damage points, the AI prefer the unguided rockets, not the more accurate & damaging Hellfires (850 points by default, Hydra-70 just 110).

Now I tried to modify the damage to proper levels and encountered such behaviour.

Another thing is the laser target. The AI can spot the tank over great distances but not the laser, therefore the cruicial Recon soldier has no use on the battlefield.

Does anyone know of some tweak to prioritize the laser target over everything else?

There are some parameters I still don't understand. Those are opticsFlare (or gunnerHasFlares), enableSweep (helicopter related, do those hunt down enemies with sweep enabled?) and backgroundReload.

I tried to figure out what the maginification values actually are. So I calculated all night long and found out it is the sine of the fov-angle. FOV of 3,7m @ 100m would be 0.0369

(1/2 FOV/Distance)*2

For 10x scopes (3,7 m FOV @ 100m) this would be

[(3,7/2)/100]*2 = 0,037

In ArmA magnifications were quite strange. Any idea if this was intentional or just a issue of balancing ?

What is CanSee 30, 31 and 32?

30 enables radar and compass, is that all? what is 31 and 32 then?

1 is Radar, 2 is eye, 4 optics, 8 ear, 16 compass (eye, ear and optics don't seem to have an effect for the player)

Does the AI need a radar to spot vehicles or is this just for the player?

AirLock has to be true for AA guns to engage those, even if they spot and track them. This enables the lock bracket which I tried to disable for realism purposes.

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I had to find out that the AI choose their weapons by the damage dealt. If the Hyrda-70 is configurated to 277 damage points, the AI prefer the unguided rockets, not the more accurate & damaging Hellfires (850 points by default, Hydra-70 just 110).

Actually in OFP it was more the enemies "cost" and "armor" values I would say.Among other things as your ammo "cost"

You can also control which weapon(ammo) is used by changing the min-max range values for cfgammo

Alot of your answers are in detail within the OFP forums but mostly the commented config for OFP1

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I tested the Hydra thing and came to this conclusion.

I will check if the maxRange will change things, though.

The commented config for OFP is useless, not even half the parameters are commented and the new params for ArmA are not known either.

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Cost (of enemy and ammo), armour of enemy and damage by ammo are the things the AI takes into account before choosing a weapon, afaik.

It would be great if you could add your findings to this page, as then many others don't have to ask the questions and persons you ask wink_o.gif Just write a little sentence what a command does. smile_o.gif

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Found out I left the min and maxRange to default (which is 2500 meters max and 1200 m mid).

So damage is, as you correctly said, not the only factor.

@raedor: Will do, but before I write bullshit I would like to have that stuff confirmed.

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