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Timescale for CTI?

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Hello all,

Was just wondering, is there a timescale for when CTI will be fixed? something like a script to deal with removing bodies so the servers don't die after an hour. I had a look round the forum, and lots of people saying how CTI was broken and why, but no news of when it might be fixed. Is there an upcoming patch that might address this problem?

Any light that could be shed on this would be greatly appreciated. I personally Love armed assault but was a little disappointed when CTI seemed to be in an unplayable state as it stands. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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dont think BIS will answer that, there CTI has been to hell and back and unfortunately never survived.

You might want to look for a MFCTI or CRCTI on the servers and download that, much nicer ... tounge2.gif

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