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Civilians get out from combat vehicle

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I have a few civilians in team with east army. I order them to go into UAZ with MG and go on patrol. However, when they spot enemy, they get out and start firing with their smallarms. How make them to stop UAZ and not going out but start firing UAZ's MG?? The same thing happens with civ in stationary MG (he leave MG and start firing from AK)

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Well you could use the lock command to lock the car or mg when the guys are in.

syntax would be:

Car1 Lock true

to unlock change true to false.

I only cant tink of a way to check if the guys are in right now.

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nope, doesnt work. Also doesnt work Allowfleeing 0, and assignas.... It seems that only soldiers (so no civilians) continue to shooting from vehicles' or stationary weapons

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