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Love the Immersion in Single Player Mode

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With the patch to 1.05 from 1.02, one is now able to set enemy AI to expert while in the easy mode of the difficulty settings. (I just need unlimited saves so I play in easy mode and try to simulate the more difficult aspects of expert mode.)

With the Enemy AI set to expert, it's a whole new game in my opinion. Enemies are much more aggressive. They will flank much more forcefully.

I guess what I value in a shooter game is loosing the sense during gameplay that it's a shooter game, and feeling instead that I am out their on the ground trying to stay alive from these people who want to put me under.

I can't claim that every mission does this for me, but the 1.05 enemy movement often results in a "suspension of disbelief".

By the way, I did not see any loss of smoothness going from 1.02 to 1.05. (7600GT, 2.4 P-4, 1 Gig Ram). I love playing without the grass, it makes missions much more doable.

Just my thoughts,


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i really liked the first few mission in sp but then it got a bit stupid sending u on massive tank ambush mission by ur self so i ave up

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I agree the AI is much better and 'wiser' in it's tactics. I threw five squads into Delores with Kronsky's patrol script (a veritable Work of Art, IMHO), and had to get by them on my own. In 1.02, if I was seen and cutoff, I could do a fighting withdrawl to lure the direct attackers around corners into kill zones, and yet move back fast enough to the rear to miss the flankers - setting satchels all the way. If I managed to take them out, I'd pick up the satchels and continue. If I got pinned, I'd blow them, clearing the way to sprint past the roadblock. Now, I have to just run back. Any satchels seem to get only 2-3 enemy as everyones out to flank me, fast! Really gets the pucker factor up and makes ya hustle to stay alive, biggrin_o.gif

That's the 'Oh S***!' feeling I've been waiting for, Thanks BIS!

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