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ShowGPS=0 since 1.05 not working ?

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since i patched my Version to 1.05 in my MP Mission the players are now able to see themselves and friendly units on the map although i have set ShowGPS = 0; in the description.ext.

Is it possible that this behaviour consults of running the map on the new dedicated version ? Should i add there in the CFG-File any further commands ?

Or is it a new bug ?

Any Solutions ?

Thanks for help


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Seeying friendlies on the map has nothing to do with showGPS=0/1;

But has to do with Veteran/Cadet mode setting and the difficulty settings that are linked to either mode. (In your settings menu, Difficulty Settings... On the server it is in the server profile config files).

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thanks for your reply.

I've deactivated everything in the xxx.armaprofile: class veteran -> class flags but WeaponCursor and ClockIndicator.

Can you give me an example for the server profile which flag to change ?

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Found out by myself.

Had to force veteranmode by setting cadetmode = 0 in the server.cfg

Thanks for your help

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