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Arm resupply bug in v1.05

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The green gun resupply icon still appears, even with civilian vehicles and no guns lying anywhere near the car, this still occurs in the latest patch v1.05


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havent tried it yet but is it possible in ArmA to load vehicles with ammo and guns like resistance allowed us to?

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nvm... i took 5 minutes to test it out.

Result - It can be done!

Below are some screenies. What i did was transfer a few M4s and an MG from an ammo crate, some 50 metres away, into the car.


Its just a matter of pressing G on the car then double clicking the weapon you want to drop into the vehicle.



Tadah... switched guns.

Hope that helps a few people. The green icon thingy isnt a bug.

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I know you can add weapons into vehicles but thats not my point.

My point was I don't want to see it for a civilian vehicle, especially as I dont have or want to put weapons in it to start with.. also why should it then appear if there is nothing in the car to start with and no ammo crates even near it? There should at least be a trigger to allow it to appear if weapons are near, or a switch to turn it off from the game menu. If memory serves me correctly, I played OFP and you had to physically run up to the back of the truck / middle mouse and select rearm, there was never this green gun icon displayed when you near every vehicle in the game.

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The green icon is a new feature for Arma... speeds things up a bit imho.

But i totally get what you mean about the non-sensical situation it has now.


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