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Recording voice and putting dialoge in game?

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Does the program package "OFP Sound Lab" work with ArmA? Once the files are converted from WAV to WSS/OGG, how does this get put into the mouth of a soldier?

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Hi, not sure about OFP Sound Lab but I use audacity (free wave editor). Here's exactly what I do

1) Record or import audio into Audacity

2) Usually I normalise the audio (gets highest possible level without compressing the signal) though this isn't nessesary.

3) Make sure the audio is in mono. This option is available via the drop down arrow next to the audio track name (look at the dialog box next to the wavform)

4) Export 1 Wav file and then Export 1 Ogg file

5) Close Audacity, don't bother saving cause that is for project files

6) Download Wave2Lip Wave2lip wiki entry

7) Unzip Wave2lip, your supposed to be able to drag and drop the WAV file ontop of the WaveToLip.exe. This didn't work for me, so getting a Command prompt up (cmd.exe), browse to the location and run "WavetoLip.exe Myaudio.wav" (minus the speech marks) or you could setup a windows shortcut to do this.

8) The should generate a LIP file which you need to place in the same directry as your OGG file, inside your mission folder.

9) Create a Description.ext file in your mission folder and amend the following to suit

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSounds


  sounds[] =





  class Myaudio



      name = "Myaudio";

      sound[] = {"\Myaudio.ogg", db-35, 1.0};

      titles[] = {   };



9) Now ingame create a second soldier to yourself and give him the name Mike

10) Create a small trigger infront of the soldier, when you set into it the following script is activated <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Mike say "Myaudio" (of course replacing myaduio with what you used)

11) Now when triggered his mouth should move according to the audio.

TIP: If the mouth movement isn't very positive, trying boosting or normalising the audio and export that to WAV, you may clip(distort) the sound slightly (which is why I'd say don't export this version to OGG) however the Wave2Lip app will be able to pick up on the audio better and generate a better lip file. Half of my speech look as if they are mumbling in the quiet bits. :P


Having just looked at the OFP Sound Lab, I can't see why it wouldn't work. It gives the added bonus of creating the OGG and LIP file at the same time.

The only problem I've having at the moment is getting the soldier to really sound as if he's saying it. Even at some distance I'm still hearing it at the same level it was originally recorded. Admintedly I've not traveled half way across the map and tested it :P

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Add that into the Biki smile_o.gif

But first: I tried making these 'lip' files with the WavToLip Program. Not only did I try dragging the .wav file into the WavToLip.exe but ran it with cmd.exe. No .lip file was created. I tried this with the .ogg file, no .lip file was created ether

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The format of my WAV file should be as follows

Bit Rate: 705kbps

Sample Size: 16bit

Sample Rate: 44kHz

Audio Format: PCM

Channels: 1 (Mono)

Right click on the wav file in windows and see if it matches.

I threw a stereo file at Wavetolip and it didn't do anything, no errors, no lip file.

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Bit Rate: 705kps

Size: 624kb

Wave Sound

Audio Sample Size: 16bit

Channels: 1 Mono

Audio Format: PCM

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did its doesnt work for multi ?

there is no probleme from editor but when i try in multi its doesnt work i missed something???

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Add that into the Biki smile_o.gif

But first: I tried making these 'lip' files with the WavToLip Program. Not only did I try dragging the .wav file into the WavToLip.exe but ran it with cmd.exe. No .lip file was created. I tried this with the .ogg file, no .lip file was created ether

I had the exact same problem. Using Wav2Lip I couldn't get the .lip files to create no matter how much I tried. Dragging it on top wouldn't create it, putting it into my "sendto" folder and sending the .wav files to it didn't work.

But OFP Sound Lab does it perfectly, not to mention it will convert the Wav to .ogg for you as well.

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Alright. Before I begin second phase of questions, do not reply to bash me for my newly opened topic on this matter. Gettin pretty sick of it.

Audicity does not work for me apparently, so I opened Goldwave. I'm going to use pictorial descriptions as to be able to figure this out.. How others did, are complete geniuses. crazy_o.gif

1. Launched Application.


2. Saw Menu


3. Dragged this file into the menu.


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Menu what it looked liked after I dragged file in.



Clicked Save As.



Made Sure that this save was an .ogg file.



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Made sure it was in mono.



Resave for .Wav file. Made sure that it was in .Wav format and saved in mono as well.



After Save. Tried dragging files into WaveToLip.exe. Nothing Happened.



Tried also cmd.exe...



Now what... Jesus does everything I do have to be rocket science to me? Nothing flat out worked.

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#1. Why are you putting it into OGG before wav?

Why not just stop doing anything with OGG, and simply work on your .WAV to .LIP issue, and completely ignore all the other stuff. It's rule #1 of troubleshooting - remove all the non-essential stuff, strip it down to the core issue.

#2. Instead of troubleshooting this by doing massive file conversions, have you not considered NOT doing that to troubleshoot, and simply record your voice into the microphone, saving it as a .wav, and then converting it to LIP?

The method in which I speak works just fine, every time.

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The second reply in this thread tells me to export an OGG.

Alright, as shown in the images above... the .wav conversion doesn't work ether. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Tried also cmd.exe...



C:\Documents and Settings\... is your problem, I think. wav2lip.exe doesn't like long filenames and pathnames or spaces in filenames and pathnames or all of the above. So I suggest you avoid them all:

.lip files by numbers...

1. Open up a window that shows your C: drive.

2. Create a new folder on the drive and call it LIPFILES to avoid confusion. It's path should be C:\LIPFILES\  Note that there are no long file/pathnames or file/pathnames with spaces in.

3. Put wav2lip.exe (the file, not a shortcut) in C:\LIPFILES\

4. Put your .wav sample in C:\LIPFILES\

5. Drag the .wav sample onto wav2lip.exe

... Regulation pause of 2 - 3 ...

6. The .lip file should appear in C:\LIPFILES\

Once you have it working, just create a shortcut to the folder so you an open it in a window to work in.

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9) Create a Description.ext file in your mission folder and amend the following to suit

How would one do this please?...



I also get an error as soon as i start my mission, "cannon find file creed"

Double thanks.

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