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Hi again,

I have'nt been able to find anything to say how you delete units or whatever when making a mission, I had made a test mission which took me awhile and I made an error right at the end and I assumed stupidly that my last action would be deleted by clicking "Clear" and yes you know what I mean it wiped the whole lot out, so I had to restart and from then on my concentration went out the window and I gave up for the day, so how do you delete say for example a group of Soldiers? that you have placed on the map huh.gif

Many thanks


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Hmm before you get flamed here about reading the editor manual and using the search funtion, i give you the simple hint to press the DELETE button with the mouse over the unit to delete and voila you have it deleted. There is no funtion to delete groups, just delete all of its members (At least not in the editor) .

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just point the mouse cursor over what you want to delete and press "Delete" on your keyboard?



Edit #1 ah should've refreshed the page, there seems to be already the answer for you.

Edit #2 Don't worry about asking these kind of questions, the editor is not immediately clear on every aspect. I myself didn't have access to Internet when learning the mission editor and scripting language in OFP, and it was frustrating to see that it was so poorly documented in the game package. There is some improvement in the docs I received with the 505 release, but could be much better still.

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Thanks very much all,

I did search for it but could'nt find anything, apologies though smile_o.gif

Seeing as I don't have two monitors I have to keep coming out of the game and then to here to ask and find things out, but I am sorry for not looking thoroughly, just find it hard to take in all the info that I need to know

I have so much to ask and not so much time to read up, but I'll search more often


I agree that the Editor is not very clear on everything, it would have helped a great deal for me as I do not have a Printer sad_o.gif

Cheers guys

BlueNightmare smile_o.gif

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