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How to choose different weapons in Briefing?

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This is probably a stupid noob question, and one I used to know the answer to back in the Op Flashpoint days but I don't remember. I want the player to be able to choose different weapons at the time of the briefing in case they don't like the weapons I've given them. I'm not talking about the addMagazine, addWeapons commands. I've checked the Biki and it doesn't say how to do it, or the search function doesn't find it. Also can't find it on this meassage board. I'm pretty sure in Op Flash you had to edit a text file. I unPBO'd the campain but I don't rememer being able to choose new weapons in any of the ArmA campain missions, but due to the low quality of the campain missions that isn't suprising. Anyone know how to do this?

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Put this in your "description.ext"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Weapons


class M16A2 {count = 10;};

class M16A2GL {count = 10;};

class M4 {count = 10;};

class M4GL {count = 10;};

class M4AIM {count = 10;};

class M4SPR {count = 10;};

class M4A1 {count = 10;};

class M4A1GL {count = 10;};

class M4A1SD {count = 10;};

class G36K {count = 10;};

class G36C {count = 10;};

class G36a {count = 10;};

class MP5A5 {count = 10;};

class MP5SD {count = 10;};

class M249 {count = 10;};

class M9 {count = 10;};

class M9SD {count = 10;};

class M136 {count = 10;};

class Javelin {count = 10;};

class Stinger {count = 10;};

class Strela {count = 10;};

class Binocular {count = 10;};

class NVGoggles {count = 10;};


class Magazines


class 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag {count = 50;};

class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag {count = 50;};

class 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD {count = 50;};

class 30Rnd_556x45_G36 {count = 50;};

class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5 {count = 50;};

class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD {count = 50;};

class 200Rnd_556x45_M249 {count = 50;};

class 100Rnd_762x51_M240 {count = 50;};

class 5Rnd_762x51_M24 {count = 50;};

class 15Rnd_9x19_M9 {count = 50;};

class 15Rnd_9x19_M9SD {count = 50;};

class PipeBomb {count = 50;};

class TimeBomb {count = 50;};

class Mine {count = 50;};

class MineE {count = 50;};

class FlareWhite_M203 {count = 50;};

class FlareRed_M203 {count = 50;};

class FlareYellow_M203 {count = 50;};

class 1Rnd_HE_M203 {count = 50;};

class FlareWhite_GP25 {count = 50;};

class FlareGreen_GP25 {count = 50;};

class FlareRed_GP25 {count = 50;};

class FlareYellow_GP25 {count = 50;};

class 1Rnd_HE_GP25 {count = 50;};

class SmokeShellRed {count = 50;};

class SmokeShellGreen {count = 50;};

class SmokeShell {count = 50;};

class HandGrenadeTimed {count = 50;};

class HandGrenade {count = 50;};

class M136 {count = 50;};

class Javelin {count = 50;};

class Stinger {count = 50;};

class Strela {count = 50;};


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