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AI Vehicle Respawn

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I need a script that Deletes AI and Vehicle if Damaged and recreates the same vehicle with full Armour/Health.

Ideally with the possibility of it appearing in predesignated another location.

Example: M1A1 protecting a Spawn Area. Spawn Killer takes out the tank and the tank reappears somewhere else close by. To continue its GUARD or HOLD

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Hi Ice,

Now I understand m8 smile_o.gif

Should be able to do that by making a few changes to my VRS_AI and AI crew scripts but can't get to it until Sunday.

The vehicle part should be easy, only prob might be is tracking down the crew to delete if they bail out - might need to remove the vehicle as soon as it can't move (ie. !canMove) before the crew can bail.  

Do you want the damaged tank to be replaced by a wreck before the the new AI tank respawns or deleted entirely?

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In this instance, no. The idea is to have a perpetual defender of a respawn area. even though people know its wrong. they seem to gain some sort of personal victory that they can get to an undefended spawn area and kill all helpless players till they actually quit the game.

it should aslo halp against the Team killer.

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You should put a trigger around the spawn that kills anybody that injuries someone else inside it

Or/And another trigger that kills any enemy entering it

IIRC, there is also a way to delete any "bullets" within a certain zone anyway, meaning they would just be shooting blanks

If you had these triggers, you wont have to worry about having defenders on the base (except for, maybe, AA, if you the delete bullets way doesnt work)

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Blank Bullets sounds like a good idea. Zones are no good because we have jets and Flying over these areas sometimes cant be helped.

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Blank Bullets sounds like a good idea. Zones are no good because we have jets and Flying over these areas sometimes cant be helped.

make a zone trigger "hit" and/or "damaged" over the spawn area that kills the one who has shoot/bombed

this way you catch also players throwing grenades or shooting from outside but still anyone can cross the zone

they just need to make sure they don't harm anyone inside


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Quote[/b] ]make a zone trigger "hit" and/or "damaged" over the spawn area that kills the one who has shoot/bombed

An example mission would be most welcome.gif

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Quote[/b] ]make a zone trigger "hit" and/or "damaged"  over the spawn area that kills the one who has shoot/bombed

An example mission would be most  welcome.gif

I have not started mission building at Arma yet and currntly I have no access to my gaming computer.

the "hit" event gives you the originating unit

so you need something like this:

create a trigger "hit" in the editor covering the spawn area

on activation: {_killer=_this select 1; _killer setdamage 1;}

hope this helps,


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