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MP viewdistance (ArmA)

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Hi. *waves*

I'd like to set up a script that will give certain players different viewdistances in ArmA MP.

Ie, infantry have 1500m viewdistance, pilots have 6000m view distance, Armour crewmen have 2000m viewdistance.

I have previously used something similar in OFP - only it doesnt apparnetly transfer to ArmA well, instead causing crashing when you try and select a 'modified' unit. In OFP what you'd do is put say, a chinnook down, put your pilot in, and call the chinook, say, ch1.

You'd then have an init.sqs with

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(Player == Driver ch1): SetViewDistance 4000;

The script would then detect at startup the driver of that vehicle and give him the viewdistance value specified.

I am, however, no scripting guru, and i'm clueless as to how to get a similar thing working in ArmA. Any advice, hints or outright solutions would be much appreciated.

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