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Revive Respawn Script error

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I used to have DoLittles revive respawn script in my COOP-missions in ofp. It turns players in to dead bodies under blankets when they die. Then one of their buddies has to come revive them. Awsome for teamplay. You just has to stick together.

I am trying to get it to work an ArmA. But my knowledge in scripting is somewhat limited. Could someone help me out?

Every soldier has a trigger that goes "S1" exec "respawn.sqs" when the player (S1) dies. Also there is a marker for each soldier that is supposed to move to where he died.

But when the script runs I get tons of errors.

If someone has a quick eye for this.. Coul you just look through these two scripts?

The first - "respawn.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;by Doolittle

_string = _this

_body = call format ["%1", _string]

?_body == player : [] exec "cam.sqs"


_string setMarkerType "Marker"

_string setMarkerPos getPos _body



_obj = call format ["%1", _string]

?not alive _obj : goto "notalive"

?not local _body : goto "list"

_respawn = call format ["respawn%1", _string]

_respawn = _respawn + 1

call format ["respawn%1 = _respawn", _string]

?_respawn > param1 : exit

"_obj removeMagazine _x" forEach magazines _obj

"_obj removeWeapon _x" forEach weapons _obj

"_obj addMagazine _x" forEach magazines _body

"_obj addWeapon _x" forEach weapons _body

_obj selectWeapon primaryWeapon _obj

_pos = getPos _body

_pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0]

_dir = getDir _body

_dir = _dir - 90

deleteVehicle _body

_body = "Body" createVehicle _pos

_body setDir _dir

_ai = objNull



_soldier = nearestObject [_body, soldierType]

?isNull _soldier : goto "nearest"

?not alive _soldier : goto "nearest"

?_ai != _soldier : _ai = _soldier; _ai doMove _pos

?_soldier distance _body > 5 : goto "nearest"


deleteVehicle _body

_obj = call format ["%1", _string]

?not alive _obj : exit

_soldier doWatch _obj

_soldier playMove "MedicToCombat"

_obj switchMove "LyingToCombat"

_obj setPos _pos

_obj setDir _dir

_obj setCaptive true



_obj setCaptive false



_obj = call format ["%1", _string]

?not (_obj in list playeralive) : goto "list"

_string setMarkerType "Empty"

And the second - "cam.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;by Doolittle

enableRadio false

_camera = "CAMERA" camCreate getPos player

_camera cameraEffect ["Internal", "BACK"]

cutText ["", "BLACK IN"]

_body = player

_camera camSetTarget _body

_camera camSetRelPos [0.20, 0.39, 1.86]

_camera camSetFov 0.143

_camera camCommit 0

@camCommitted _camera

_camera camSetRelPos [2.71, 19.55, 12.94]

_camera camSetFov 0.7

_camera camCommit 5

@camCommitted _camera

cutText ["You are ""almost dead"" and waiting to be revived", "PLAIN DOWN"]

@alive player


_camera camCommit 0

_camera camCommand "manual on"

@camCommitted _camera



?not (player in list playeralive) : goto "list"

enableRadio true

_pos = getPos player

_pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 1]

_camera camSetTarget _pos

_camera camSetRelPos [10.49, 0.61, 3.48]

_camera camSetFov 0.7

_camera camCommit 5

_camera camCommand "manual off"

@camCommitted _camera

_camera camSetRelPos [-0.82, -3.12, 3.38]

_camera camSetFov 0.044

_camera camCommit 3.5

@camCommitted _camera

player switchCamera "INTERNAL"

player cameraEffect ["Terminate", "BACK"]

camDestroy _camera

Is there something fundamental that has changed since OFP?

I'd really be so happy if someone could help me out.


Tophe, Östgöta Ops

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