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EVEN farther viewdistance in next patch?

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eventhough i'm pretty satisfied with the viewdistance at max settings, i still dont really feel the "grand" feeling that i got in OFP. i dunno for me a setting of 5k viewdist in OFP looks much farther than ARMA's 5k.

so, i was wondering if anyone is interested like me who wants to see even farther in ARMA.

Now u might tell me no comps is able to handle that, yeh i guess so, it doesnt become abit of a slideshow even with maybe 8800GTX.

But i think if the developers add this option that OFP had, it might help alot. the reason it runs so slow when view dist is set far is ebcause the LOD detail is set quite high in the game. And unlike OFP, this setting is fixed and cant be changed in settings nor the ini (i tried).

Basically, what i want is an option that allows turning the polygon detail lower yet with the least amount of GFX quality impact by setting the LOD "pop" range lower, thus, a building thats 2km away be a simple box made of 10 polies instead of 200 polies normally.

Theres a somewhat similar setting in the ini file that does what i want, which is limiting the MAX amount of polies shown on screen, HOWEVER< this settings makes it so that when set too low, many objects disappear even in close range.

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I think you're pretty mad. Even if you could see further it would look like shit, at those distances even if you had a really good computer you'd need to play with a really high resolution in order to make anything out.

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yeah, enough is enough.

this game still needs a lot of work, it would be idiotic to invest time in a feature that would only slow an already slow game down even further and that only 3% or so of all ArmA gamers could actually use. doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

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