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Script help needed

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Once again I'm in need of someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong.  The Biki is a great starting place, but the examples do not all function as snippets for learning purposes.

Following examples from there (and a few from a certain talented Mod) I got this far:

The basic script will be built on and automated, but I need functionality before that. It's supposed to take city x,y coordinates gained from the _Towns array, select one at random, add a player waypoint to that position, and create a friendly (enemies added after this gets ironed out) for pickup, and have them move to a 'getin' WP that is sync'ed with the players 'load' WP, and one to 'getout' at base.  I get the players WP actions just fine, but I'm having great difficulty with createGroup, and because of that, the createUnit command will not function.  (There's where I need the help confused_o.gif)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Towns = ["Ortego", 12391, 7099, "Corazol", 13314, 8863, "Geraldo", 13256,6873, "Dolores", 11598, 6129, "Parato", 11268, 5266, "Iguana", 10768, 4891, "Tiberia", 9329, 5191, "Cyao", 9366, 5857, "Arcadia", 7636,6311, "Gulan", 8901, 7779, "Somato", 9130, 8270, "Yaro", 9741, 8673, "Pariso", 10520, 9503, "Airfield", 9800, 10024, "Airbase", 9528, 9847]

_MisNo =0

_WPInd =0

_grpplayer = group player

_NumTowns = (count _Towns)/3

_Guess= (round(random _NumTowns))

_RTN= (_towns select _guess*3)

_RTPos = [(_RTN+1), (_RTN+2)]

_Base = [(_towns select 15*3+1), (_towns select 15*3+2)]

_MisNo = _MisNo + 1

_WPInd = _MisNo-1

createcenter west

createcenter east

;player waypoint placement and typecasting

_grpplayer addWaypoint [_RTPos, 0]

[_grpplayer, WPInd] setWaypointType "load"

_grpplayer addWaypoint [_Base, 0]

[_grpplayer, WPInd+1] setWaypointType "unload"

frgroup = createGroup west

engroup = createGroup east

;Create friendly group and assign/sync waypoints

Frunit = group frgroup createUnit ["SoldierWB", position _RTPos, [], 0, "FORM"]

frgroup Addwaypoint [_RTPos, 100]

[frgroup, WPInd] setWaypointType "getin"

[frgroup, 0] synchronizewaypoint [_grpplayer, 0]

frgroup Addwaypoint [_Base, 100]

[frgroup, WPInd+1] setWaypointType "getout"

hint format ["number of towns:%1 \n random town name:%2 \n Rnd num:%3", _NumTowns,_RTN,_Guess]

Thank you for any assistance.  smile_o.gif

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just playing around in the editor i found this line would create a error

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">createcenter west


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">frgroup_center = createcenter west

frgroup = createGroup frgroup_center

also creating a group in a simpler form

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"SoldierWB" createUnit [position _RTPos, frgroup]

I setup a few triggers to create this group and add inf to it then I changed my player to East and when i tried it the west group that spawned didn't shoot at me....think I'll look into that a bit more.

Anyway hope this helps

edit: when i place a west unit on a island away from my mission the west inf that spawn recognise me as a enemy.

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Thank you very much  notworthy.gif

I have ideas.  Just need a lot of guidance.

Edit: I wonder if there is a proximity for activtion of spawned units so they don't spring up in the middle of your formation and commence the slaughter. huh.gif

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