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Real Halo script

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I am trying to modify    toadlife's excellent real_halo.xsqs and I almost have it, but now I am stuck.

 It works fine for the AI, but for the player it will never pull the chute, the action is displayed but will not deploy the chute, so that is where I need the assist...also I can't find the proper switchmove...here is the script:

Quote[/b] ];#Script by toadlife - (toadlife@toadlife.net)

_name = _this select 0

_height = _this select 1

_variance = _this select 2

_failrate = _this select 3

inhalo = []

_killem = false

?count _this < 4:goto "deploy"


@alive call compile format["%1",_name]

_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]

?local _unit:goto "autohalo"

~(2 + (random 2))

goto "checklocal"


@alive call compile format["%1",_name]

_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]


@!alive _unit || "ParachuteBase" counttype [vehicle _unit] > 0

?!alive _unit:goto "checklocal"

?(getpos vehicle _unit select 2 < 100):goto "autohalo"

?player in inhalo:goto "autohalo"

_chute = vehicle _unit

_unit action["eject",_chute]

@!(vehicle _unit == _chute)

_chute setpos [0,0,0]

deletevehicle _chute

;;_unit switchmove "para"

?_unit == player:haloaction = player addaction[localize "STR_REALHALO","realhalo.xsqs"];goto "checklocal"

_var = (random _variance) - (random _variance)

_openheight = _height + _var

@getpos _unit select 2 <= _openheight

_rand1 = random _failrate

_rand1 = _rand1 - (_rand1 mod 1)

_rand2 = random _failrate

_rand2 = _rand2 - (_rand2 mod 1)

?_rand1 == _rand2:_unit switchmove "";_unit sidechat "F***! My chute won't open!" ;goto "autohalo"

_chute = "parachutewest" createvehicle getpos _unit

_chute setpos getpos _unit

_vel = velocity _unit

_unit assignasdriver _chute

_unit moveindriver _chute

_chute setvelocity _vel

@((getpos _unit select 2) <= 10) || !(alive _unit)

?velocity vehicle _unit select 2 <= -15:_killem=true

@((getpos _unit select 2) <= 1) || !(alive _unit)

?_killem && alive _unit:_unit setdammage 1;deletevehicle _chute;_unit switchmove "combattodying"


goto "autohalo"


inhalo = inhalo + [player]


player removeaction haloaction

_rand1 = random _failrate

_rand1 = _rand1 - (_rand1 mod 1)

_rand2 = random _failrate

_rand2 = _rand2 - (_rand2 mod 1)

?_rand1 == _rand2:exit

_chute = "parachutewest" createvehicle getpos player

_chute setpos getpos player

_vel = velocity player

player assignasdriver _chute

player moveindriver _chute

_chute setvelocity _vel

@((getpos player select 2) <= 10) || !(alive player)

?velocity vehicle player select 2 <= -15:_killem=true

@((getpos player select 2) <= 1) || !(alive player)

?_killem && alive player:player setdammage 1;deletevehicle _chute;player switchmove "combattodying"


inhalo = inhalo - [player]


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Ok then, I fixed it myself.  The script needed some work and I had to do some modifications.  Here is an example mission showing the scripts.  I give credit to toadlife for the concept


It's not really a mission per se, but you can see how the scripts work

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Hi {USI}_Zombie,

sorry i have no clue about scripting... sad_o.gif

But it's a really very funny script. smile_o.gif

Thank you for the Convertion!

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My pleasure.  Some of my squadmates have found the height sidechat annoying, but other than that it has recieved good reviews.  I just wish toadlife could see and and streamline the thing all back in to 1 script instead of the 2 that I was forced to revert to.  confused_o.gif

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