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Currently got a SA-20 (S-400) working. Just wondering if there is a radar unit, preferably Russian (East) around?

I want to designate targets to the SA-20, I can do this as an officer but with limited range.

Many Thanks,


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Download the OPGWC pack here at ofp.info:


It was released for the public to use. In it, there are some nice Russian made radar units. My mod (Lost Brothers Mod) is currently using their excellent radars.

They will, of coare, have to be dePBO'ed and have their cpp.config and texture paths renamed to work in your mod.

Oh...but I should point out that these are probably the wrong types of radar systems as they are for the old SA-2 missiles. The new Russian radars are likely phased array type radars. These to my knowledge have not been made by anyone for OFP.

Its also hard to find pics of the new Russian radar systems such as the types that are used for the SA-20 (actually SA-21 growler is the proper NATO designation for the S-400 Triumf).

There are actually 3 different types of radar used for it which include:

The 30NG Flap Lid A (phased array radar)

The 64N6 Big Bird (ultra-long range E/F-band radar used to detect ICBM's)


The 76NG/76N6 Clam Shell (continuous wave doppler radar)

So depending on how realistic you want to make your system you could use the old radars in OPGWC, otherwise you will most likely need to make the radar models yourself. If you need help with scripting them to work as a complete interdependent SAM system, my mod team will be happy to get the system working in exchange for allowing us to use them (slightly modified to older S-300 system) for our mod's Syrian forces (and to update our Iran addon pack). Right now we have a fully working SA-2 system where if you destroy the radar, the SA-2 missiles do not fire. THey also have to be positioned with a 50m radius of the radar. We are using the same script system with our mobile SA-6 self-propelled SAM and fire control radar system. With this radar script system we could likewise get it to work with your SA-21 along with making sure it has enhanced detection ranges and lethality.

Such a system, would require either low flying terrain hugging helicopters to eliminate it or ground forces to conduct long range attacks deep into enemy territory. CoC Tomahawk cruise missiles could be used, but these would likely be shot down by the SA-20 system.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Lost Brothers Mod Team Leader

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Thanks for the reply, Installed the mod and copied addon files to normal OFP install.

What do the radar parts come under in menu?

(EG: Armoured/M1A1)

I have tons of addons and sometimes it's hard to find things confused_o.gif

I'm doing some work for another mod for a different game but after I've finished that I will try and find the correct radar for the S-400 and model it.

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I don't think the radar even comes up on the menu. I'll try to ask Calm Terror (my Mod's main addon maker/editor) and see if he remembers what .pbo file its under. There are a ton of models in that mod that aren't in the editor and that you have to just search for.

Hopefully I'll see Calm Terror online. But until then I recommend DePBO'ing those addons and searching through them.

Also, are you not using mod folders?huh.gif? If you have all your addons stuffed into your Res/Addons folder, that is VERY VERY bad for an addon maker. It is much better to have your addons organized into mod folders with desktop links to each mod folder. I can tell you how to do this if you don't know how. I think I have my step by step tutorial saved somewhere that I can dig up.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I don't think the radar even comes up on the menu. I'll try to ask Calm Terror (my Mod's main addon maker/editor) and see if he remembers what .pbo file its under. There are a ton of models in that mod that aren't in the editor and that you have to just search for.

Hopefully I'll see Calm Terror online. But until then I recommend DePBO'ing those addons and searching through them.

Also, are you not using mod folders?huh.gif? If you have all your addons stuffed into your Res/Addons folder, that is VERY VERY bad for an addon maker. It is much better to have your addons organized into mod folders with desktop links to each mod folder. I can tell you how to do this if you don't know how. I think I have my step by step tutorial saved somewhere that I can dig up.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

I use SLX mod and have all addons in Addons/Res or just Addons folder so I can have a large variety of things to play with.

If I put them all in seperate mod folders the main game won't run them all?

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They will if you link the mod folders together on a mod folder desktop icon. The problem with sticking everything into one addons folder with stuff thats completely unrelated is that:

1. You will never use alot of the addons.

2. They are all loaded up into memory making for long start up times when you start OFP.

3. As an addon maker some addons can cause conflicts and bugs which can drive you insane in thinking that your addon doesn't work.

4. Vice-versa, if you are converting, for example, the OPGWC radar models, you may accidentally miss renaming some of the texture paths into the paths for where you have the textures on your new PBO. However since the original OPGWC .pbo file is in the same mod folder, the textures will all look fine when you test your addon. But when you release your addon to the public, you will get all these people complaining that there are missing textures. This is and #1 are the biggest reasons why its a bad idea to stick everything in one mod folder. On my computer I have around 7 gigs of addons (maybe more). I would probably get a CTD if I tried sticking them all into my main addons foldier.

Instead I have them in specific genre categories such as, WWII, Vietnam, FDF Mod, Lost Brothers Mod, VME Mod, BOH Mod, Iraq Addons, Jungle Addons, Winter Addons, etc...

Sometimes I want to link these mod folders together. THat is very easy to do.

Below is the full tutorial:


1. Keep your Res/Addons folder free of all 3rd party addons accept

perhaps for a few that you use in ALL of your mods such as the JAM3

weapons addon because its used by so many different mods and

infantry/weapons addons.

2. Create a mod folder. You simply create a folder in your main

Operation Flashpoint directory and name it whatever you want. For

example call it: OPGWC

Once you've done that, enter that OPGWC Mod folder and create

a folder in there called "Addons". It is within this folder that you

will un-RAR all of the addon RAR files into.

3. Ok...now here's the trick to actually getting the MOD folder to

load up in the game. Go to your main Operation Flashpoint directory.

Right click on your FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE file (or "FlashpointBeta.exe

if you use the beta version the 1.96 update patch which doesn't require the

CD in your CD drive). Once you've right clicked one of these .exe files,

select Create Shortcut". Ok..you will see a new file created called "FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE Shortcut" or something like that. Copy

this file and paste it onto your desktop screen. It will create an icon

on your desktop. Right click on this icon and select "Properties". Now

you will see a box come up and in it you will see a few different options boxes. Go to the one labeled: Target

It should say something like: "C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE"


"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE"

This you will change to:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE" -nosplash -mod=OPGWC

4. Ok now below it you will see a box called: Start In

In this box you will put: "C:\Program


It may already say that and if so just leave it alone then.

Now...if you have your OFP game installed on a different drive or

partition like your D directory just change the file paths above to

whatever the correct drive and file path is.

5. Finally the last step. Right click on your FLASHPOINT RESISTANCE

icon and select "Rename". Now rename that icon to "OPGWC Mod"

or whatever you want to call it.

Now if you have followed all these steps correctly simply click on

your new icon and it should start up Operation Flashpoint Resistance with

only the Resistance addons (and whatever else you put in the Res/Addons

folder) and your new OPGWC Mod.

You can use the above method of mod folder creation for your own

custom mods as well. For example you can do the same and just stick all

your WWII addons into one mod folder

called "WWII Mod".

This is a good way to organize your OFP addons and to conserve your

memory usage so that your game runs nice and smoothly.

If you have two mod foldiers that you want to combine, it is very easy.

Say for example that you have one called "OPGWC Mod" and another mod folder for your SLX mod called "SLX".

If you want to play the two together, righ click on your OPGWC Mod folder and in the target box you will see something like:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE" -nosplash -mod=OPGWC

To combine the two simply add at the end of that line:


So in other words that line should look like:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE" -nosplash -mod=OPGWC;SLX

Thats it. Very simple. The thing that will suck for you is if your Res/Addons folder is already cluttered with tons of addons, you'll need to figure what is what until finally you have everything sorted out into their proper seperate mod folders and you only have the original BIS Resistance addons in that folder (along with perhaps JAM3 which is almost universally used by addon makers). If you just leave everything in the Res/Addons folder, all of that will automatically get loaded up into the game along with your new mod folders.

I hope that helps.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]The thing that will suck for you is if your Res/Addons folder is already cluttered with tons of addons

Totally and thanks! Also make finding errors a lot easier.

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I've a 30N6E on a MAZ tractor sitting in my harddrive with little hopes of being completed, since I lack time at the moment:


The first view lod is completed (almost) and half textured: the lower and bottom sides, with the exception of the wheels, are not, and some other parts are textured wrongly or with textures used for the launcher vehicles, which need to be modified. The memory lod already has the axis points to elevate the radar antenna and other elements: the communication antenna pole must be raised-lowered differently (probably with setObjectTexture, as it's a translation animation, and not a rotation one). The other lods are still to be done.

If you like, otester, I can upload the model (O2) and the textures (photoshop 7.0 .psd files, .tga files and of course the .pac and .paa ones). It should 'weight' some tens of megabytes. I will give it gladly to you if you want to complete it, and of course I'll explain you which parts are lacking and how to modify the textures. Changing the camouflage pattern for example is almost a trivial task, in case you don't like it.

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I've a 30N6E on a MAZ tractor sitting in my harddrive with little hopes of being completed, since I lack time at the moment:

p><p>The first view lod is completed (almost) and half textured: the lower and bottom sides, with the exception of the wheels, are not, and some other parts are textured wrongly or with textures used for the launcher vehicles, which need to be modified. The memory lod already has the axis points to elevate the radar antenna and other elements: the communication antenna pole must be raised-lowered differently (probably with setObjectTexture, as it

If you like, otester, I can upload the model (O2) and the textures (photoshop 7.0 .psd files, .tga files and of course the .pac and .paa ones). It should 'weight' some tens of megabytes. I will give it gladly to you if you want to complete it, and of course I'll explain you which parts are lacking and how to modify the textures. Changing the camouflage pattern for example is almost a trivial task, in case you don't like it.

Yeh sure, I use Max for modelling so is there a way I can open it in Max? O2 doesn't export if I remember correctly.

I also don't have much, if any, experience in this but it's worth a go! http://forums.bistudio.com/oldsmileys/yay.gif' alt='yay.gif'>

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Quote[/b] ]eh sure, I use Max for modelling so is there a way I can open it in Max? O2 doesn't export if I remember correctly.

I don't know the answer to this: anyway, here's the link (22 mb):


Hope it can be useful.

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Quote[/b] ]eh sure, I use Max for modelling so is there a way I can open it in Max? O2 doesn't export if I remember correctly.

I don't know the answer to this: anyway, here's the link (22 mb):


Hope it can be useful.


Also, Miles teg, I think the mod only has SA-11.

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Nah the SA-2 and radars should be in there somewhere. They just don't show up on the map editor. I know they're there because that's where my mod got our SA-2 and radars from. However, sa8gecko's radar vehicles is I believe one of the actual radars used for the S-300/400 missiles. So if you get the textures finished up, my mod team will have no problem finishing up the cpp.config, animations, and scripts to make the S-400 launcher dependent upon the radar vehicle.

Still keep digging around in the .pbo'es for OPGWC as there are tons of goodies in it that you may want to fix up.

If you have problems editing it (if you're not able to find a way to convert the file) one of my mod team members might be able to help with finishing the textures. I have to ask him to see if he has time to do it.

Sa8gecko- Great looking launcher by the way. One way or another we'll get this baby working in OFP.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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