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I have four units- a,b,c and d. I want a trigger to activate when all of them enter "boat", however it is unlikely all of them will survive to enter the boat. Also, when everyone is in the boat, I'd like it to drive away. How would I accomplish this? Thanks in advance for all your help!

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Try this for the condition:

{(NOT alive _x) OR vehicle _x == boatname} count [a,b,c,d] == 4

Then sync the trigger with the boats 1st waypoint (where it's waiting).

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Hmm.. I put <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{(NOT alive _x) OR vehicle _x == boatname} count [a,b,c,d] == 4 in the activation field of the trigger. I changed the name of the boat to "boatname" for simplicity's sake. I set the trigger's activation to "west". In "effects" I created a simple ending- text and end #1. Here's what it looks like-


When the soldiers enter the trigger, nothing happens (as expected.) However, when they all get in the boat, nothing happens either. What am I doing wrong?

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try the distance command. Cant remember exactly how it works, but something like:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(boat distance man) <1:whatever

or have you tried setting the boats waypoint as load and sync it with the get in waypoint. The boat shouldn't leave until everyone is in.

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Well I can't tell what exactly but you're doing something wrong because I tried it now and it works. I'll PM you the mission.sqm.

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