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@all Addonmakers

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Hi @all!

Hopefully you don`t mind that i start a request instead of informing you about a non-excisting Addon.

WE would like to create a small MP-Campaign for ArmA, but still need some Addons, esp. something similiar to the Black - OP´s from Operation Flashpoint (or better Bambi Black OPs!wink_o.gif.

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Those special forces included in ArmA are quite poor for sneak & skirmish missions....

If anybody can reskin such addons, we would thank him a lot... whistle.gif

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Created/reskinned units armed with "ArmA-SD-Weapons" would be great ! wink_o.gif

If you could add some new weapons? No problem, we would be glad about it.

But it is more importent that we get some dark clothed commando guy´s ...

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So nothing like our US-Navy-Seals of V.I.R.U.S.? More like the Marines? (This are they oliv guys) Check out the thread

Well post a pic of you idea!

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Something like that:

BMI - International Blackops:


You will find the pics also in this topic

It should be a mixture between black Op/ rainbow team/ ninja....


black masks, headset and dark clothes.

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Porting addons from Flashpoint to ArmA isn't easy without the required tools to do so. As such, old models are difficult to implement and lack full functionality. Retextures of ArmA models is a possibility, but porting models from FP will be difficult at best.

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Hello Franze!

Thanks for answering. I know about the missing tools, so i hope that somebody can retexture me a "black op".

It shouldn´t be a total conversion from FP to ArmA but the BMI-Soldiers are close to what i´m looking for...

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So nothing like our US-Navy-Seals of V.I.R.U.S.?

Maybe it would be ok! If possible, i just would like to have the Seals without any new weapons or the whole mods.

Could you add some camouflaged faces? --> OFP Info (eng. Cookie)

It would be much better for "undercover- missions". At the moment your units looks like too "combatlike"

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It´s me again:

We need for our campaign two further addons:

0) Special Forces / Black OP´s (see above)

1) A high decorated officer from the US Navy

2) A General for the royal sahrani forces. At the moment we using this on (but he really doesn`t look like a general ) crazy_o.gif


If anybody could help us and retexture such units ?


thx @all

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ARMA already have the sahrani king or the north prime minister... why don't you use them as a general?

BTW: I am working on a standalone addon from V.I.R.U.S. for you! wink_o.gif

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ARMA already have the sahrani king or the north prime minister... why don't you use them as a general?

BTW: I am working on a standalone addon from V.I.R.U.S. for you! wink_o.gif

Standalone? That´s great! Thank you!

@north "prime minister" and "sahrani king": they play a different role confused_o.gif

so i need a "sahrani general" and an "US-Navy-Officer" for our storyline! whistle.gif

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You got a PM... If you want camoed faces just do like in OFP... Choose your face in the Identy-Menu... Maybe I will send you a Version with camoed-faces later... Cuz I got not so much time right now...

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You got a PM... If you want camoed faces just do like in OFP... Choose your face in the Identy-Menu... Maybe I will send you a Version with camoed-faces later... Cuz I got not so much time right now...

Sorry, i read the pm first!

"your face" doesn`t work for all teammates? the whole team should have camo-faces.

A further camo-face Version would be great! But i need them in march/april: so we have plenty of time.

thx for your support yay.gif

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