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mp chopper extractions

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hi ..

what is the best way to get a chopper to wait untill all alive units are on board ? playable units are made up of three teams.the idea is for chopper to wait untill all are onboard before it moves to finish mission ...

many thanx

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Hey if i remember there's a stock singleplayer mission with that type of chopper extraction,just unpbo the mission to see how it was done.

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Make a trigger covering all the units at start of the mission (make sure the trigger ONLY contains the units the player can take with him to extraction!!wink_o.gif.

Activation: Blufor present

Onactivation: playergrp = thislist

Now for the extraction chopper set all the waypoints as how you want it.

Make a new trigger and sync the trigger with the waypoint right after the waypoint where you want the chopper to land and pick up the units.

Set that trigger to "switch" (in the drop down "type" menu).

In the activation of the trigger add:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

{_x in vehicle_name} count units playergrp == {alive _x} count units playergrp

vehicle_name should offcourse be replaced with the name of your vehicle (in this case the chopper name).

*Please do note that I am at work atm so I can not try it, if I made an error dont shoot me.

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i followed youre instructions .. however im getting an error message..

{_x in chopper} count [#]  units playergrp == {alive_x} count unit...

error units type array. expected object..

any ideas mate

thanx in advance shark attack


got it working with following codes

OurG=group (thislist select 0)

in first trigger covering player group

({_x in chopper} count units ourG == {alive _x} count units ourG)

and this in second trigger syncd with chopper waypoint ..

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