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Rotate Objects?

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Is there a way to rotate objects in the editor?

(as in upsidedown not turn it on its axel)

like turning a wall on its side.

i can do the height code,but i notice when im building new places so people dont need addons,all the square blocks and walls have no underneath texture.


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Maybe you should put the building a bit into the ground, i think its a bit weird to see all kinds of buildings leaning to one side...

(Image living in such a house, if you put something on a table it would slide off.. tounge2.gif )

EDIT: here should you be able to find the right command

Its probably setVectorDir or setVectorUp command, look on the above link on how to use them.

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this isn't a bad look on the datsun wreck

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setVectorUp [-180,360,-280]

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thx for the help.

yeh i agree with buildings on sides look abit weird.

but im more into making new buildings with standard block pieces.

check out these pics,one is a bunch of light houses making an arena.

and the other is like a coliseum


also remember,there is not any maps with underground,or totally inside fighting areas,,there soon will be wink_o.gif cos before i had no roof,now i do wink_o.gif cheers guys wink_o.gif

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ok,been trying some,

i find this one tilts objects upside down:

this setVectorUp [0,0,-180]

but how do i add height to it now?

cos when i add ;this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),(getpos this select 2) +10]

it just sets it +10 in the air,but the correct way up? :/

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Quote[/b] ]but how do i add height to it now?

Adjust it's height before applying the other commands. BTW, if you want to accurately rotate the objects, then most of it's covered here:

SetVectorUp, SetVectorDir and 3D coords

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