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Respawning AI movein question

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I created a trigger (p1 moveingunner jeep1) for a unit to enter a jeep (for base defense).

I also have another trigger to respawn vehicles and that works well.

The problem is when the enemy blows up the jeep and my AI unit respawns, he 'forgets' to get back in the jeep gunner position and just stands there. I set the jeep to respawn in 5 seconds and the player in 20 seconds (so they don't overlap).

I set the trigger variable as follows:

activation: once (also set to 'repeatedly' - no difference)

condition: alive p1

on activation: p1 moveingunner jeep1

I'm new to scripting, I don't know if i'm missing another variable in order for the AI unit to get in the jeep gunner position after he respawns.

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I created a trigger (p1 moveingunner jeep1) for a unit to enter a jeep (for base defense).

I also have another trigger to respawn vehicles and that works well.

The problem is when the enemy blows up the jeep and my AI unit respawns, he 'forgets' to get back in the jeep gunner position and just stands there.  I set the jeep to respawn in 5 seconds and the player in 20 seconds (so they don't overlap).

I set the trigger variable as follows:

activation: once (also set to 'repeatedly' - no difference)

condition: alive p1

on activation: p1 moveingunner jeep1

I'm new to scripting, I don't know if i'm missing another variable in order for the AI unit to get in the jeep gunner position after he respawns.

gassy eeek,

When a vehicle respawns, it must respawn with the same name of the vehicle that the ai is commanded to get into. Is jeep1, as you named it, being created a new with that name every time? From a technical standpoint, vehicles don't really respawn, instead we create them new everytime they are destroyed. Since we cannot have two objects with the same name, we delete the first one and then create a new vehicle with the same name.


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