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Commanding AI to start Engine of Heli

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Hi Folks,

I'm on 1.02 of AA. I created a game and gave myself a squad and a few empty tanks / helo's to play with to see their potential. The tanks / BMP's worked fine, mount, drive here, shoot there etc. Whenever I told the AI to take over the pilot position on the HELO it would do this but the action option to start the Helo's Engine wasn't available. I found this behaviour with a normal solidier so changed for a few pilot AI's and got the same issue (Kamov and the MI-17). Anyone else seeing this? Is it a bug or something I'm doing wrong? I can get into the helo myself and start it up but I want the AI to do it.

Any advice? I'm not looking at scripting, just why option 6 for issuing a command isn't available when they are in the pilot seat of the HELO.



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Isnt it the same as AI driving all vehicles ? I dont see a way of telling them to switch engine on or off (with out them dismounting) but if you command them to move then they switch engine on by themselves.

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Ahaa....yep, that worked. Was used to Op flashpoint and you could just get them to start their engine and tag along.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

Now if only we could get a Hind Helo back into ArmedA !!



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