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Trying to make a hidden marker on map

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I have placed an empty marker at a certain location on the map and given it the name "6". I then make a trigger to be activated by BLUFOR present, with the following in the On Activation field: "6" setMarkerType "Objective".

This is supposed to make an objective marker appear where I placed the empty marker named "6". Instead, when BLUFOR activates the trigger, I get this error message:

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.Objective'.


What am I doing wrong?

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Thank you!

I was using receipe from OFP (found at OFPEC). It said "objective"...

Now I've tried "flag", and yes you are right, it does produce the objective marker! Doesn't make much sense, but it works.

I wonder how you get the flag marker, then... tounge2.gif

Thank you very much! I would never have suspected.

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